I have stopped tipping unless I am in a restaurant, and that too, around 7-10%, if the food and service is good otherwise 0%.

If they stop immigration now, prices will tank, and that's why they aren't doing it. Pathetic!

How is this using tax dollars "smartly"?

We want responsible immigration now. Canada is tumbling.

Nah, it tells you that people have had enough of this "it is just a prank"

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

Illegal rent increase. So go back to the agreed rent as per the lease.

Say no to utilities payment.

Tell her to go ahead and sell. They can't evict you on the basis of that. You will get a new landlord.

If it is market rate, it is fine. It is pumped up for others, not reduced for you. They have 7 people, 3 families, and their mortgage is getting paid, so it is not your headache.

Linkedin cross-post may be! Lol

We can clearly see what is happening in Europe and UK.

I am worried about the state of this country in a few years.

Modern-day slavery!

Don't know why everyone is quiet about this. Labor laws are a joke.

He did not know this was a crime.

Will get bail and continue doing the same thing in a different way so he can use the same excuse again.

Don't sign. Don't post extra. He can't vacate even if he is selling unless they are going to live there for at least 12 months. It is a risky move for them since your rent is what is keeping his mortgage up.

He will say something about mental illness if they catch him.

Yes, sometimes it is just a show position, and you never know if the next one you apply for is a real one.

62% of net take-home salary. Tough times.

Depends on how immigration goes in the next few months and the effects of election.

People can't afford anything right now.

Get the reference if you can.

Any good company has to look at internal references and let the employee know why they didn't select or at least look at the resume of their reference.

ATS is a big hoax, to be honest. Good recruiter reads the resume. They don't use ATS.

The problem is too many applicants, so they just read the ones listed at the top, and some of the companies/recruiters use ATS to sort it out.

However, even in that aspect, luck plays a factor.

For example , if there are 1000 applicants for one position, there must be at least 50 good ones who meet all the criteria, then ATS lists them based on their rating, recency, etc. The recruiter will check the first 5-10 and share it with the hiring manager at a time. Others won't even be looked at.

ATS algorithm also doesn't work 100% of the time to find the best candidates. Most of the times candidates just copies what is there in job description but that won't take them far because once an HR or hiring manager acrually takes a look at the CV, they know it is no good.

A CV should tell your story. It should not try to fit in what the job requires. That is the work the hiring manager and recruiter need to do to see if you can be a good candidate for the role or not. Anyone who is just emulating job description thinking they are the best candidate are folling themselves. These career counselors have been teaching people wrong things.

I was hiring someone in my team a few months back, and all I saw were top candidates just emulating job descriptions and changing active voice to passive voice, changing the order of the responsibilities, de-plagiarizing it etc. I rejected all of them.

I did the screening myself and found 3 people to interview, selected 1, and put the other two in the waitlist. All of them were stars and well suited for the role. They didn't forcefully try to fit what I was looking for, instead showed what they can bring to the table. That is what is required.

Take the blame, get paid for it, be hated by Canadians but live as a rich retired guy.

IT guy made a living out of this move.

They can't.

They can not do better than you. You are correct.

There is only one advantage to using them but I don't see how that will work out - if they have exclusive partnership with quite a few companies and know positions which aren't posted online and they really believe you are the best candidate (not because you paid $100) as they have to maintain their credibility and reputation with those companies.

Some of them have built their career around it -

  1. Career counselors
  2. Interviewing skills coach
  3. Weekly/monthly Newsletters with all vacancies relevant to you

This is nothing that you can't do by yourself. They have just made it commercial and offer no help to candidates at all.

I connected with at least 6-7 recruitment firms when I was looking for a job. I did not pay them anything but just connected to share my profile, build my network, and show them how awesome it would be for them to push me as a candidate as they will be able to close position sooner and get their commission. However, barring a couple of recruiters in these firms, everybody else is a dud. They are just pushing what they see on top of the list and not being smart about it at all.

I landed the job and got multiple offers based on my time and effort. There was no effort from these firms at all.

I am surprised you are even asking about this. Isn't it known that they are not there to help you but just make money out of your desperation?

Linkedin is notorious for this. All these new professions feeding off of the desperation of candidates are new because it is an employer market currently. These firms will run after you when there is an employee market.

What do you mean by HR companies Consultants? External recruitment firms? OR

Recruiters employed by the company?

Recruiters in a company can't offer subscription or ask for money, and they make only the first round, i.e. screening decision. That also goes to the hiring manager and can get rejected if the recruiter isn't experienced enough or if the profile doesn't align with the job.

External recruitment firms don't make hiring decisions. They can only recommend profiles basis their search, connections, applications etc.

At no point, these groups are controlling job access, subscription, and hiring decisions.