I guess I missed the nazi encampments.

Could you describe in detail what you didn’t do?

There is no pregnancy test for men, which seems unfair. How many babies have been flushed down toilets because the father flushed before checking? If only they had been tested so that they would know to look. This enlightened man is the exception, rather than the rule. If he had gone to a doctor complaining of the symptoms he mentions here, his concerns would most likely be uniformly dismissed as a normal intestinal function. If he had insisted on another cause, he would probably labeled as hysterical. Kudos also, to his open minded partner, who doing the decent thing, chose to believe him and stay. I think I’m safe in saying that most guys would have just walked away.

If it bothers you when they do, or because they did that,that’s why they do, did it. Not because your nose is unusual. Anyway, I like it. It’s really nice.

Some people ain’t going to work tomorrow. Their wholesale distributor is closed.

If you were a guy you could grow a beard. But how about guys with a weak chin who can’t grow a beard? Damn, that’s rough. Or worse, a girl who can.

Those poor children can start a support group now.

Build your chin. Just like that, nose not a problem. Or, now you can obsess over both.

Free demo? That’s a problem? Property is pest free for a month now.

Nah. You’re good. I think people get the message.

Kinda’ thought that would happen. Fake or real. Either way, it figures.