Idk why I think the sausage will like extend pp

Im confuse now and should I know whatā€™s happening

That map from TEKKEN 7 the Devilā€™s pit

I donā€™t understand this show like they always press the button when get the chance

Cum only for RM1 no wonder he make happy hour

I played few hours agoā€¦sad and tragic even if itā€™s just a words but the story is just sad

just Blender in land that boleh

So planning to stop?

just Blender in land that boleh

I remember playing with match box and I curiously start the fire and just put it out and never play with it again and pretend I did nothing even tho no damage were done

Is nice actually unlike we usually see the latex looking outfit and big hongker which im not against it but this one actually nice

This dude was on my YouTube short and just kept getting distracted by his moustache

just Blender in land that boleh

No wonder I look at it and like ā€œwtf is this mathā€ because itā€™s add math

That old man look very wholesome with the smile

just Blender in land that boleh

The thing about you owed someone money is like you on a leash

just Blender in land that boleh

Drive through

My mind is blank but not naked women šŸ¤”

ā€œKAU RELEKSā€¦ā€ said someone who shouting

I just gonna pretend he having dementia for the moment thatā€™s why he repeat his words