I dig this so much! I'm gonna make this the last reddit post I see for a while; thank you for making and sharing!

Hunter Wayne#:~:text=Helena%20was%20born%20in%201957,to%20become%20a%20super%2Dathlete) 🤓

YUP—definitely Batman ears and eyes on that kitty.

One of the most iconic yet also the most shady areas of Tokyo—at least for outsiders to Japan. Can't tell you the number of times me and my friends there had to hear the word "manko" while walking around taking in the sights.

Oh! Lady Gaga is fond of Rilke's Letters too, I believe she even has a quote tattoo but don't quote me on that.

That said, they are beautiful letters—especially the passage regarding unresolved questions and life. The quote I'm referencing is easy to find alone as excerpts but to read them in their context is a lovely experience in themselves.

So I'd recommend the book—it's a fast read—yet a pleasure to take in slowly as well.

I was about to say the same—nice to see a fellow appreciator on the same wavelength.

...I really want to chase after it...
not to catch it, just to see what it looks like when it runs and climbs up trees and branches—like does it jiggle while doing so?

Yeah of course your friend must be right—I mean ever since Deep Blue no one plays Chess anymore. Like yeah, pretty sure all those Grandmasters from the 1990's with polysyllabic first names that no one knows how to pronouce like Magnus, Hikaru, and Levi are all retired because no one values chess anymore. Like who would watch it let alone want to play it now that we can get computers to do it for us?

Wouldn't even make a good drama because they'll probably name it after some old-fashion chess move that only really niche chess historians would get and want to watch.

And even if they did make something like that, they'll probably have to bring in some small unknown actors to star in it—cause I can't imagine any big name talented actress that would be interested in a role and story like that.

Yeah Sketching is totally like Chess in the face of AI—

Oh I love this!! The sacred white dear deer. I'd like to think it's like focus shot on just one of a chain of islands, like in the recent Zelda game Tears of the Kingdom—that way its not stranded.

Is this what you're referencing? Ah okay—I see what you mean. (NYpost article). I thought the title was bit overly sensational but it seems to be legit (your description I mean) after a quick internet skim. Anyhow thanks for the pics, well done!

yeah. I think this is a beautiful photo. but >! I'm also think that those eyes are well...I don't want to break the mood on this thread. !<

If you'd like, it's a bit of a costly idea but there are professional book binders that could give your pages new fresh look. But in my opinion, I always prefer the journal to look a bit worn and used. Evidence of time and love in my eyes.

Thanks for this! Gonna bag this quote for my commonplace—thanks for the attribution to Alex Webb, gives me someone to look into later.


I am SO sorry...Like so sorry, I don't work well under pressure.

Pretty sure the BET was a skit. Even though the camera cuts to certain reactions played it off as some awkward thing. Definitely wouldn't call it an outburst.

🐈 Consider submission to r/councilofcats we would adore this contribution there 🐈‍⬛


Always have been

Continue being you anyway