Modi's too focused on turning India into a Hindu ethnostate and Winnie the Pooh just wants to invade Taiwan and focus on the Belt and Road initiative. Both at any cost.

And they've never been called out about it whether at the UN or the G20.

The common ground across all world leaders is that they do not have the actual will to do anything that truly would benefit the Earth long-term. They are beholden to corporate interests more than their own citizens'. And before anyone jumps in and says "nuh uh the EPA did xyz thing so we're trying!" you're missing the point of what I'm saying entirely. The EPA might as well as well just be there for show with the amount of damage larger nations and megacorps are doing.

It's not even a case of fixing climate change anymore. It's about trying to minimise the damage that's already happening. And world leaders along with executives and the ultra wealthy are content to let the shit hit the fan. To them it's a case of willful ignorance, and no politician will ever convince me that they're trying hard enough or that they're just completely hamstrung from making any real change. If there was a threat to the wealth of the top 5% of individuals, there wouldn't be any discussion of immediate course correction; it would be done before lunch time.

We should be out protesting every day over this. Protesting the inaction taken towards suffocating our planet and its flora and fauna. Protesting the inaction taken towards social issues. Protesting the lackadaisical approach to crime in this country. Protesting the insanely high cost of living instead of hoping the corporations will be nice and lower prices. Protesting the allowance of oligopolies across basically every sector. Protesting for better wages. Protesting for better infrastructure. Protesting for a sense of hope for the future generations, because it has been thoroughly eradicated for a lot more people than anyone wants to acknowledge.

But that's wishful thinking. Protestors will be labelled as bad actors and the Gardaí will shepherd them away. The media will call them deranged. The government will denounce the stances that protestors hold. And nothing will change.

We thought crime would get managed better once it started affecting tourists. Well a Canadian tourist was killed the other day and nobody on a leadership or policing level seems to give a flying shite. The gravy train keeps on rolling. It's all just a big dumb joke.

Benson sounds like one of a kind. What breed is he? Share a picture of him too so we might all mourn his departure along with you.

We always had Jack Russells growing up, currently we have 3 at my family's house (I don't live at home). Dogs are irreplaceable companions.

Best of luck with helping your dog, sorry to hear all of this.

Tell us your favourite story about the dog.

There's a colony of Wallabies living on Lambay Island. No I'm not taking the piss.

The second I saw Starwin on the couch I knew it was gonna be good. He was on the couch for the Grandomizer run at AGDQ this year and it is just hysterical from start to finish.

Sounds like what Marvel has been doing for Blade honestly.

Not my problem if you haven't even watched season 1 of a show that's been out over 2 years.

He has so little screen time in The Bear but his presence is felt through so many of the characters. His suicide is what brings everyone back together to co-operate and in turn face their own demons.

She's a much needed foil for both Richie and Carmy. It especially stands out next to how Carmy was trained under David Fields (Joel McHale's character).

The cut to the pug scrambling for cake off the plate after that is so funny.

Said nothing about wanting to be a mod, but you must've missed that. Just want the mods to just be mods.

It's so easy to not be cringebags when you're a mod. Answer reports, modmail etc and just let the subreddit do its own thing unless intervention is needed.

It's when you get high off the smell of your own farts and do shite like this that the cringe is very real. I'm sure they had a bit of craic, no-one is gonna tell them they shouldn't or can't, but the best kind of modding is the modding you don't even notice. When anything being moderated just... works. No issues 99% of the time, you can browse, engage, post etc without any fuss.

This was just anathema to all of the above. I never used boards but the vibe I got from it all seemed like what others used to complain about when it came to boards. I come to the ireland subreddit to see posts, news and other content related directly to ireland itself. Not to see a bunch of mods wanking themselves off thinking they're hilarious while others just kind of watch in bewilderment.

Like I'm not gonna throw stones from a glass house, I don't have much of a life at all. Most days after work I spend on my computer arsing around. But even I was like jesus what a way to use your time, really living up to the stereotypes of mods on internet forums.

I fully expect to get one of those newfangled fancy shmancy wickerman flairs even though I haven't even mentioned them once here, I'm complaining about the mods themselves. Maybe I'll even get banned, even when I've actually had positive experiences with the mods here from before. I once used a slur in a comment (I was telling a story, the slur was used in context. No offence was intended with my comment, it was part of a story) but I didn't censor it. I was permanently banned, but after a short back and forth with the mod team the ban was amended to 2 weeks. I appreciated that work greatly, that's the sort of modding that I'd like to commend. They gave me a chance and I promised to do better. It just works.

But this carry on was just embarrassing to behold, but hey I'm not a mod so I guess I don't have much of a say. I just hope it doesn't become a regular thing else I'd unsubscribe from this sub.

We need a gif of Patrick holding his eyes open to best showcase it, it's such a quick second long clip yet it's iconic

She's just a brand like Kim K and all the others. She's been cannibalizing the sales of other female artists by releasing a new single every other week, the same week that the likes of Charli XCX are dropping whole albums. So their albums never get to lead the charge they might have the potential for, because Taylor is back in the leaderboard with 5 new words about whomever the fuck broke up with her recently. And her fans are utterly insufferable "you DON'T like Taylor Swift?!" Yeah loads of people don't like lots of things others don't, shock I know. I used to not mind her stuff but it's gotten bloody obnoxious now, more than half of news media must wait on her to do something so they have a week's worth of content to pump out.

It is 100% marketing bollocks, and I work in marketing analytics so I'm pretty confident in that assertion. It's just exhausting and juvenile at this stage. There's nothing worse in music fans than the ones who try to tell you what you should or should not like. And every single Taylor Swift fan I've known rants and raves about her like they worship her as a god. I like my music but I do not have the right to tell others their taste in music is wrong and mine is right like some of the absolute mouth breathers that call themselves Swifties.

The bigger they are, the harder they fall. And it's only a matter of time before Swift says or does something that paints her as a bit of a villain for it all, or even half of it all, to come crashing down. I don't want that to happen to anyone, but when you're put so high up on a pedestal and misstep, the only place to go is down.

There's also apparently a 23 hour Jon Snow video. That alone is tempting to sign up to Nebula. I've never used it before though.


Christ I'm fuckin sick of hearing about her every day. No matter what I do to try avoid her she's fuckin everywhere. Cool that loads of people like her, but I'm not one of them

Okay so maybe it isn't drama. But it is stupid and pointless bollocks.