I think they meant that southern schools teach children that the confederacy was in the right during the American civil war

Yeah and especially when it's a cute silly guy like the armadillo. I don't wanna kill those guys :(

Maestro was the daughter of the toymaker so maybe that's the child part?

Honestly as soon as they killed off UNIT and Ruby's mom I was expecting a "Last Of the Time Lords" asspull. The solution wasn't as bad as I was expecting but I'm still confused how dragging Sutekh through the time vortex and letting him rip it up is supposed to bring everyone back. Also everyone else has already mentioned it but Ruby's mystery is far from over I feel. Why the fuck can she make it snow and why was Maestro so scared of her???

I mean he got younger when compared to 11 on Trenzalore. Just the actor that didn't get young

Please have my children

Sex, fetishes or Nazi dump


Depends on who I'm talking to

No British people allowed in heaven. God is good

Dude have you even seen JoJo??? That's like 90% of the show

Honestly that does seem like something Charlie would do

I've heard of a few people named John Smith that look a lot like this....