Monkey in Space

If it's a good enough tactic for the White House, the CIA, our education system, top newspapers, top TV media outlets, etc then it will certainly be employed by the (anti)JRE subreddit.

Not at all. The word "diverse" is just very loaded these days.

Monkey in Space

That isn't exactly right. Demography isn't 100% understood at all but there is a lot of evidence showing that the indo-europeans originated in the pontic steppe on the northern side of the caucasus and then mixed with the european hunter gatherers and farmers to make modern Europeans who are culturally and ~25-50+% genetically descended from those "Caucasians". Those early scholars were pretty on point when they identified the importance of that region for modern western eurasian people.

vs Magomedov, vs Brendan Allen, vs Taleb, vs Marshman, vs Hall. Shit the DDP fight was exciting too. What the hell are you talking about? He's had a few "boring" technical fights where he still largely is pursuing his opponent. You guys just hate that he's says naughty and retarded shit.

Monkey in Space

First of all this was a joke, but with a kernel of truth to it. The people who had “cis” in their lexicon, especially 7+ years ago when this was said, tended to be the queer leftists who had a chip on their shoulder towards normal society and used “cis” in a context that was rarely positive.

Monkey in Space

Cis is "a word used to marginalize a normal person" -Norm MacDonald

Cortana goes from an individual willing to solemnly and firmly sentence herself to the rest of her life on infected high charity with a hostile gravemind to save humanity to her halo 4 persona of whining and prioritizing her own existence with all of the whimpering sighs. Her consciousness is based on Halsey who has no time for that crap, and neither does OG Cortana. Bungie was able to humanize chief and Cortana in much more subtle and concise ways which made them more impactful to me. Of course a lot of people like the emotional tone of 4 but personally it just seemed way out of character for both 117 and Cortana.

You think it is an acceptable result for British people to bleed agency and be replaced in their homeland? That is genocidal. Or in your case suicidal.

Our institutions have top-down decided that all of our output, which includes entertainment, has to prioritize the interests of "underrepresented minorities". Banking, finance, government, entertainment, sports, TV, internet, are all institutions that are following rules that require the elevation of basically all groups that are not heterosexual whites. It isn't just a matter of them trying to appeal to gays or minorities. To secure a high ESG score they have to have a certain number of minorities of one type or another on screen and involved in the production. This includes established shows, remakes, reboots so they end up race swapping, gay swapping, etc.

This is ideological adherence with serious costs imposed if you don't get on board rather than a free-market business decision.

Prequel centered around a Spartan-1/Orion program soldier. Another main character with limited dialogue like CE chief and Noble 6, potentially even a create-a-character for body type, voice actor, face options, etc. Although maybe this would limit enemy types due to existing canon.

In northwestern Europe it’s critically important to allow the criminals to steal your stuff otherwise you might get in trouble for defending your property and your person

Monkey in Space

They are happy to discriminate against anyone who they deem to have too much whether it was justly earned or not. The only viable solution for this country moving forward is race neutrality and unfortunately the democrats now consider that to be racism too. Why do all of our communication channels continue to endlessly spew identitarian ideologies, and our institutions implement them, when history shows that those sorts of ideologies are suicidal?

Monkey in Space

Republicans aren’t any better than democrats at controlling the border and their donors don’t want a secure border. Trump is a populist and his base wants actual border security and reduced immigration not the same uniparty bullshit.

Monkey in Space

What is a woman? Did Trump saying neo-Nazis were fine people? Were police officers killed on January 6th? Was Hillary Clinton an election denier after Trumps victory against her?

Monkey in Space

While endlessly importing newcomers at insane rates, call anybody who questions it a white supremacist, and then act surprised that low skilled wages are stagnant and the top fraction of 1% are increasing the size of their share of the pie at the expense of everyone else.

I think that is the most commonly held view regarding 4 vs 5.

Oh in that case they should facilitate the replacement of native Italians with Africans and Middle easterners to ensure that the ultra rich don’t take a medium economic hit.

Monkey in Space

Claim by CNN: Joe Rogan used horse dewormer to treat his Covid.

Which of the following would best describe this claim: Disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, fact.

Monkey in Space

It's also odd that the various guests who come on to defend the "establishment narrative" across a number of disciplines always end up being smarmy runts.

I'm trying to figure out which identity group you belong to that Strickland has insulted. Clearly not gay since you're using homosexuality allegations as an insult. Or is this a second level of self-hating homosexuality on top of Strickland's. A dream within a dream if you will. Tell us.

I sure hope he's not down in the bad place getting raped by the devil for all of time.

It’s one thing to make an audience boo, but it’s another to make them turn in to an unruly mob