Lol, your persecution complex is pathetic. You're inventing reasons to oppress and entire group of people that could easily be solved in other ways.

Pretty tidy definition of a bigot.

that no one actually emotionally connects to it. 

Please, explain some more to me about how hundreds of millions of people don't actually like Taylor Swift. You sound very rational.

We'd be significantly worse. Butler's a cancer, and he'd singlehandedly kill any good vibes this team has. He'd try to pretend like he's better than Ant, get resentful when the team follows Ant rather than him, and bitch about his touches.

Fuck Jimmy Butler.

People started exploiting the infinite amount of loopholes that appear when you cave to the far left bullshit and actually implement identity "politics" IRL.

Lol, no they didn't. This is a made-up meme, you melted spoon. And in your example, why are women able to retire two years earlier? Why is that something you're celebrating being preserved?

You should refer to your family the way they want,. Literally everybody thinks this, and no one is trying to get you to use Latinx. You're experiencing no social pressure to use Latinx, nor are you being corrected for not using Latinx.

I don't understand the premise of your question if you're receiving no pressure to use Latinx, I'm puzzled why you're asking a group of strangers to "convince" you that you should use it.

Yes, I'm sure you'll find a very satisfying rational explanation for why people emotionally connect. Best of luck.

We have already established that she's better at that. 

Please show me where you acknowledge and agreed with that.

My question is what is it that makes her better, and why do so many people connect to her emotionally.

People connect emotionally for all kinds of reasons. You're trying to force an emotional response into a rational explanation. Best of luck, but I don't think you're going to be satisfied with the answer.

That's a lot of words to say "I support Hamas and will gladly search for any other red herring to shield them from criticism, including calling captured combatants 'hOsTaGeS' and calling the existence of Israel an 'occupation.'"

You're a pathetic apologist for terrorists, dude.

Bro... its noticing a logo on a shirt.

It's very much not. It's noticing a shirt, then thinking "it's very cool and normal for me to harass this woman about her clothes."

I dont ask the "name 3 songs" i usually start off with "have you ever seen them live??"

The fact that you think this is not creepy tells me everything I need to know here.

And yet nearly every one of them still has a massive persecution complex.

These fragile white dudes can't stand that they don't dictate the culture any more, lol.

Cute! Is he a Holocaust denier as well?

It's extremely tragic. Perhaps the terrorist organization operating as the Palestinian government should stop hiding their terrorist bases of operation in hospitals and civilian areas.

The question is why so many people feel Taylor Swift's music to the point she is revered as some sort of pop goddess that forever changed music history.

Because she's better than any of her contemporaries at emotionally connecting with her audience. Period. That's the answer, dude.

Talent and skills are usually what underlies an artist's success

Hard disagree. If this were true, the most virtuosic musicians would be the most popular.

Music is not a science experiment.

Lol, okay, keep telling yourself that.

A man policing the attire of a woman he doesn't know is never not creepy and desperate.

He did. By coming up to a random woman and harassing her about her clothing.

Are you honestly suggesting that there's a different motivation at play when men do this?

"I'm resigned to a bad life because I'm boring and uninteresting" is quite the take.

You're applying purely rational analysis to a fundamentally emotional situation.

Taylor Swift is not popular because of her musicianship. Nor is any pop artist, no matter how much of a virtuoso they may be.

The sole job of pop artists is to make people feel something through their music. And Taylor Swift is just as good as MJ, Madonna or any pop star who achieves the level of "phenomenon." Her fans feel her music deeply, and even in an impersonal stadium environment, she is able to connect with every single audience member and make them feel joyous.

Why is this so hard to understand? Most people don't listen to music to appreciate it, they listen to music to feel it.

This is a word salad, I'm not sure what you're saying.

If you want better candidates, you might try actually participating in democracy beyond the bare minimum of voting. It's the nature of the American system that doing fuck all to contribute will get you exactly the candidate you deserve.

Lol, this is the most boomer shit I've ever read. How about you take you dumbass fireworks to the island and let the rest of us act like we didn't just turn six.

"It's a theft business."

Proceeds to literally describe Walmart and Amazon's business model.