I thought hard about the crisis wave, but in the end didn't. I've held out this long. I can hold out until they're desperate to get rid of them and mark them down at least to the price they should have been in the first place.

This isn't going to die. "Biden is too old" has been the single most commonly repeated criticism of him since pretty much the last election. The debate was the breaking point, where even those of us who defended him against that could no longer do so.

Blah. I meant Ryoji. More a commentary on Mcfarlane's habit of throwing lesser characters in before completing the main crew.

I feel like a $20 mass market figure not comparing in quality to an $80-$100 specialty market figure is hardly a valid criticism.

Based on previous McFarlane lines, he'll make Makoto, Yukari, and Ryoji and then stop.

Ice Nine Kills. They're a bit harder than what I usually listen to, but they made two whole albums based on their favorite horror movies, so I'm definitely a fan now.

I'm a Jew, too, and the relationship between Judaism and Zionism is a complicated one to say the least. Just like my own feelings about Zionism. It's such a broad ideology that takes on many forms. At its best, it is merely the belief in a Jewish homeland, and a safe haven for all Jews. At its worst, it is nationalistic, oppressive, and even though this word is thrown around incorrectly so often these days, genocidal.

Though I don't necessarily call myself a Zionist, I think GenCon did the right thing here. It is absolutely correct for the Crit Awards to stand against oppression of Palestinians by the Israeli government. The problem is that by singling out Zionism, which has many different debatable definitions, and is tied closely to a specific religion and ethnic group, it comes across as spreading hate themselves. It also, deliberately or not, adds fuel to an already raging fire. Since October there have been any number of bad actors inserting anti-semitic rhetoric into the conversation over Israel and Palestine, and an unfortunate number of people have been falling for it.

GenCon was really in a no win scenario here, and took the lesser of two bad options. It is important that everyone feels welcome at GenCon events. I hope that some of the hotter heads in the community can come to see reason. Unfortunately, it kinda feels like nuance has been dead since October.

Fourth wall breaks are fine, and the joke was a good one. I just wish they hadn't used the joke as an excuse to not actually resolve any of the running plotlines.

Just scheduled my vasectomy. My fiancee and I do not want kids. She also has a severe (but managed with medication) mental health disorder that would make pregnancy an absolute mind-shattering nightmare for her. I'm not letting the woman I love worry about that possibility any further. This ruling, and every lawmaker who supported it are evil.

A first past the post voting system mathematically eliminates the viability of a third party, and only serves to cause a spoiler effect for whichever candidate the third party voters align closer to.

Soul knife at the very least had the one per short rest bonus action to restore an expended psionic die. I imagine that would return.

If your biggest problem with the movie is a pedantic nitpick about warp speeds, then I'd say it's a pretty good movie.

Because Murder She Wrote was a great show that still maintains a massive nostalgic fanbase?

The only saving grace of this merger is that there are actually very few markets where Cedar Fair and Six Flags directly competed with each other, and one of those is on a timer anyways. While prices due to inflation may continue to rise, I don't see it very likely that they'll rise due to lack of competition.

I didn't like the cape at first, but the more I look at the figure the more it grows on me. I'm okay if it's there to stay.

Then I am curious what exactly your vision for that region is. Hand the territory over to Hamas? Because that's a total non starter.

I consider many of the actions of the United States government to be appalling and unacceptable. That doesn't mean I'm anti USA. Come on, now. A nation is not its current government.

Let me put this as delicately as possible. Being pro-Israel does not mean you support the actions of the Israeli government. It means you think the sovereign nation that exists in that space has a right to exist and continue existing. Especially when the alternative is a radical islamic terrorist state that has not at all been coy about its desire to commit genocide of its own if it had the resources. It also means, when all is said and done, you would rather have a country in that location where women and LGBTQ+ people have rights, and a country that is actually capable of being a US ally.

However....being so adamantly anti-Israel does generally mean that you are extremely susceptible to propaganda, have absolutely zero actual understanding of a decades long conflict, and have zero ability to apply nuance to an extremely complicated situation where there are no good guys. It means you are the perfect sap that Hamas wants. The current Israeli government is terrible and must be removed, but by the same measure Hamas cannot be allowed to maintain or worse gain any more power.

Guy Gardner

Not happy about it being Earth bound. A Green Lantern show belongs on Earth about as long as a Superman show belongs on Krypton.

Regardless of whatever definitions people want to argue, it is being deliberately exclusionary of a group of people based on beliefs. If they had tried to make an event that prohibited Christians or depictions of Christianity, due to them being the driving force behind the majority of hate and bigotry in America, they would have been raked over the coals for it and rightly so. Same as if they had tried to create a "Liberals only" or "Conservatives only" event. GenCon is for everyone, and events cannot be made to deliberately exclude.

Can I ask some serious questions of you, though? As a Jew, what does a free Palestine look like? How does that work? Who governs it? What is the status of Israel and their relationship with it? I am legitimately curious.


I'm wondering if anyone has advice for helping a struggling player at our table in a diplomatic fashion. We have a bard in our party who is a first time player and doesn't seem to quite understand the role or abilities of her class. Bardic inspiration is basically never handed out, and in combat she generally chooses to run into the fray with a rapier instead of spell casting (she is not College of Swords.) She hasn't asked for help, so I am hesitant to outright say anything, but it is clear that she struggles with what she's supposed to do on a given turn, and generally doesn't engage in role play either. I'm just wanting everyone at the table to have fun, and am hoping maybe if she understood what was at her disposal, and the role of a bard in the party she might have more of it. I absolutely don't want to come off like I'm trying to tell her how to play her character, though. It feels like an unfortunately fine line to walk.