Peppers, vegetables. Haven’t tried cheese yet but will

Just make sure you’re in a 1 party consent state and you’re free to record anyone. If you’re in a 2 party consent state you need to get their permission to record an interaction. This Website shows them

2 chili cheese burritos, beef and potato burrito. Now I get to eat again tomorrow after putting $2 of gas in to get to work before payday

She’s on her way to being a multibillion dollar hip hop artist

lol I thought women were supposed to be the ones bad at navigation. With all the equipment they had and information at their disposal, bro STILL LEAD THEM DIRECTLY INTO A TORNADO. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Edit: also, they chose the wrong guy to be driving. He had no clue what he was doing either. I thought I saw something posted they had 14 years experience doing this. Looked like someone who just started out

3553 days

Bro, I eat my donuts like I used to drink- If they’re there, I’ll finish em. lol

3553 days

This is one of the positives with also joining an in person group. Volunteer your newfound free time. Go help clean up ditches, go help at a food shelf, etc. Do some outreach about alcoholism and attended fun events with fun people who also happen to be sober. Doing things will help you keep from putting weight on from graze eating. You’ll be active and burning calories, you’ll be learning how to live sober again, and you’ll be helping others at the same time. That’s a win-win-WIN in my book

Truck Driver. Everyone always want the stores to be stocked and packages delivered, but they always mess with the trucks on the road

I told my dispatcher that my 10 hrs are MINE. Don’t bug me when I’m not at work, they get over half my day. My time is my time. The one was actually getting loud and aggressive with me like he owned all my time. “WHY DIDNT YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE AT 3:30 AM!” I went off duty at 1 that morning.


What is this, carpet daddy? It’s berber, it’s an industry term. And it’s dinner. Silly daddy, you can’t eat carpet. Not like that you boil it till the glue softens and kinda just chew on it


That’s the way they can pin accidents on you and take away safety bonuses. If they can prover you were driving negligent then you are primarily at fault in a collision. If they notice you’re distracted enough they’ll take your safety bonus and they save money

Edit: you can make more money on your safety bonus now and have proof that you’re a safer driver

Obey the signs. It shows there’s a crossing, and you can see it’s elevated. You didn’t follow that there’s a low clearance and avoid it

Pretty sure there are signs indicating an elevated RR crossing, or a RR on general. Pretty simple to see it’s elevated and you know you a low boy

If you are operating a vehicle with a long wheelbase, a low ground clearance, or that requires a special weights and dimensions permit, it is especially important that you and your motor carrier take special precautions to ensure that your rig and its cargo can safely traverse highway-rail grade crossings

Not go through that intersection

Not go through that intersection

Failing to properly stop at or obey railroad signs will result in a 60-, 120-, or 365-day CDL revocation depending on the driver's record.

You got lucky then