Yup. One piece vs the Formula F being a two piece like oem. I didn’t see the weight difference as being significant enough to warrant the extra cost.

I went with Zimmerman rotors and oem pads on my M340i. Perfectly happy with the cost savings over the oem rotors.

Note that Zimmerman now makes two types or rotors with one being slightly upgraded. I don’t recall the exact difference but I sprung for the regular.

Also, fronts were per rotor as they are directional, rears came as a set as they are the same.

You sure they didn’t just move it? Costco MDR here in CA had self checkout all the way on the right up till a couple weeks ago. I thought they had gotten rid of it when I was in last week but looking around they had moved it to be the left most check stand. So still there.

I’m in the wait till after the holiday camp. Today is a Friday before a holiday week - nobody wants to plan or do anything and they will almost certainly not be doing much next week. For a couple of meet ups I’m planning we’re just going to reconnect the week of the 8th to figure a time. For emails I’m sending out to people saying hey you got some work same, week of the 8th.

Christ. Reading this thread the question should have been are there any luxury/quality brands that are actually -still- producing things worth their price…

Yes… read the article and fully understood it. What I’m saying is I’ve been hearing sound bites - primarily on the radio/KPCC - just mentioning the repeal portion making the ballot and leaving out the replacement portion.

Until I saw this post - and read the article - I didn’t realize the full scope of it.

I keep hearing this reported as a repeal of the quarter cent tax with no mention of it being replaced with a half cent… effectively an increase being sold as a repeal. I can’t be the only one misled by the reporting on this.

I think you just really need to curb your Starbucks habit. That latte every day is just a real financial killer.

Reach out to the original advisor that signed you up to begin with. They might be able to grandfather you into your old rate and would likely also waive the initiation fee. That would be and was my tact when I rejoined a few years back.

Also don’t forget to add in a friend that “referred” you so you both get any referral bonus. My guy was totally cool with that as well.

Livestream… haha… that’s funny. If it’s anything like the one they did for the app, as we know Sonos doesn’t actually learn from its mistakes, be prepared to wait at least an hour for their first response.

What everyone has said but also to add that you should stay west of CC and not go east. AM heading west to CC is brutal and PM leaving CC to go east is likewise.

I don’t see a problem with it and I have my daughter in one of my photos. BUT her face is blacked out. People don’t read profiles or gloss over things. I do think though -anyone- else you put in your photos should be blacked out. Would help with the Where’s Waldo bs as well.

Netflix Animation just recently posted a couple of these “expression of interest” ads…

UPDATE #2... So re-bleeding the fronts -did not- do the trick and in fact seems to have made it a touch worse. Seemed good for a day or two then the noise came back sounding slightly different. I am going to give up on this DOT5.1 experiment and have some OEM brake fluid on the way and will just re-flush the system with it. Hopefully that sorts the issue.

I agree. The more noise the better. Until this is resolved anybody researching buying anything Sonos should be deluged by information about this debacle to the point it starts to hurt Sonos’s bottom line. Given their response so far it’s the only thing I think will get the message across.

Meanwhile, over in Genesis land they are going the other direction. I know, not the same driving experience but I sat in most of their line at the last LA Auto Show and was pretty impressed.

I used to give my number early on but stopped. Now I just try and get to the meet up soonest possible through the app and only then once we’ve got a plan send my number along “just in case” something comes up day of. Sometimes they will send their number back, sometimes not, and I won’t ask for it unless I want to plan a second date.

If that’s all parts and labor included at the dealer with oem parts that’s actually not bad. I’ve seen the transmission service alone quoted at $1200+. If you are handy though all of it is easy diy.

Sorry, I went back and checked and stand corrected. Yes, they are listed as "renew". Any DIY I've seen doesn't replace them and I opted not to when I did my brakes recently. FCPEuro sells them for ~$7/bolt.

Likely to be on the shelf yes. Not sure about the replaced each time as per my M340i service manual mine didn’t need to be replaced.

Not sure these are really “basic” bolts in the true sense. I looked up replacing them on my M340i when I did my brakes and they turned out to be pretty pricey.

I say check realoem.com to figure the part number and then confirm with your local dealer. The plug that number into google and bob’s your uncle. Best bets will be fcpeuro or turner most likely.

And its outdoor space sits almost right under the south runway approach. Very cool if you catch an A380 or 747 coming in with how close they are!