Dead Rising 2/OTR hasn’t received support in over 10 years.

Steam Deck receives support to this day so they can actually make the controller work.

The only things that have worked for me is to make sure both of you are on the same steam download server and join through random matchmaking.

And assumedly lived in China for a majority of his life.

My basis for this assumption is that he doesn't speak English very well.

Also for the bad teeth thing most chinese people live in villages with no access to toothbrushes, toothpaste or a dentist so kind of based in fact.

And the reason he looks like he has no eyes is because most characters already have small eyes as evidenced by Adam in the OP screenshot and they wanted even smaller eyes for a Chinese person

No you said that.

Most chinese people have yellow skin and smaller looking eyes that's a fact.

When you're designing a character based on a certain ethnicity you tend to actually use that ethnicity as a base hope this helps.

"Let's depict a Chinese person as a white guy so it's not offensive" is what you want.

"He's cartoonishly yellow has almost no eyes" So what you're saying is he's unmistakably Chinese and the character designers did their job?

The lighting is randomly completely fucked.

It’ll just randomly be extremely dark or so bright it looks washed out whenever it’s a well lit area.

My guess is because it’s RE engine and the RE games are mostly very dark with mood lighting that’s all it’s optimized for.

Afaik no because she’s never actually in your party

Unironically what he should've looked like

Makes it actually look like Dead Rising not some ubisoft game.

Did you even watch the trailer?

The only voice acting that is actually good is Jo's for some reason.

Maybe if half the new voices didn't sound like shit and they just kept the old voice acting that was actually insanely good nobody would have to.

People chimping out at a calm rational response because they cannot handle any criticism to their precious game which hasn't even released yet.

Completely kills the impact of the Carlito's end.

He wasn't done in by the Americans he hates so much he was done in by an immigrant just like him.

He's also shown kindness and empathy by an American who's disgusted by what the government did to him.