One time I was hired by a band to sing lead vocals for a private outdoor party. It was a full band with very capable and talented musicians but for some reason, and I couldn't tell you why, the band leader insisted on using a backing track. So, we're playing under a large covered area doing all of the Bruno Mars-ish wedding reception songs; folks are dancing and it's going very well... That is until the weather turned. It started coming down really hard and it there was even thunder and lightening in the distance. I couldn't believe that people were still dancing, but I guess at that point people had had a few drinks and were just kinda going for it.

Then the power shut off. When it suddenly came back on the backing track started blasting away and there was clearly nobody playing an instrument... It was so embarrassing. I'll never play another gig like that again, lol.

I have my one year post chemo appointment today... We shall see I guess

I do a combination of recording my own sounds (Drums, guitar, vocals), using analog gear (synths) and virtual synths. I work out of my home office and do all of my recordings there.

Depauw - "Feeling Alright"
Moderator removed post

And we knew it wa our time - I dig this track a lot, this is definitely one I'll come back to. Thanks for sharing this.

Endless Ceci - Cool groove. Also, I dig vocals on this one and the way it's panned, it's super cool

Audrey Nuna (kll smth remix) - * I couldn't find :/ *

ISOxo - I love the guitar on this, it's super fresh. Love the build up at 1:30 and the drop.. suuuper nice.

Humandala bibimap - I love the percussion on this track, especially the live drums @ 1:30.

Thanks for sharing these!


The dreaded music milk

Wtf!? Get outta here... so annoying.

Regarding your release not being live on Spotify: Did you get those vocal samples cleared? If not, this could be a reason why your song wasn't released on Spotify.

Woah! Cool track. I dig the music a lot, and the production as well.

Okay, constructive feedback: (personal opinion, very subjective) - 1. I would cut the intro and start around 16 seconds - 2. The hi hat in needs some wor, it sounds a bit thin.. (this is especially apparent at the 1:30 mark).

Cool track! Feedback: (I'm using decent AKG headphones, not great) The kick has an excellent transient, but to me it sounds like it's lacking body.

My first up tempo production (150bpm). Is this still danceable/enjoyable? If you have any thoughts about the mix please do share! Thanks In My Heart - Demo