They may well end up changing how the deck can kill you from hand and go in this new direction with it

Baking in the kitchen either only wearing an apron, or a traditional housewife dress with cleavage πŸͺπŸͺ

I haven't read it but first I have to ask how did you get it to look like that on the page layout? I like it

I'm simply trying to wrap my head around the point you are putting forward.

Are you saying, these books I have listed dont have magic systems therefore spending time creating magic systems is procrastination?

What's confusing me is why you are citing books without magic systems to prove that when people say magic systems they actually mean procrastination?

I'm referring to what you said in the first paragraph...

Are you saying because those three examples you listed don't have magic systems, they don't exist at all?

Squashed with legs spread out and eyes bulging form their sockets

That's my real name and I don't take kindly to you ridiculing it. Its a perfectly fine and serious name, thankyouverymuch.

Here's some basic overviews of some. I think there's links in there to more in depth versions.

I'm currently in the middle of using a book called, Plotting your novel - ideas and structure by Janice Hardy. It was recommended to me and seems good so far but I haven't finished it yet... i think i found it used on amazon - I wouldn't spend a fortune on a stack of them.

There's also loads of stuff for free on YouTube. Even university lectures.


I didn't read it from the sheer size of the blocks of text

Yes I understand that. What I don't understand is the way the op was assessing the way they behave in his mind, asif the characters are something outside of their own creation?

I think the idea about a repo demon is fun :) I don't know about everything else though

What would be the genre, tone, and plot structure of it?