LMAOO same i paid $27 for mine

i like to think of it as playing blackjack but counting cards

Leasing a 24 GT❔Question

Hi all,

I was at my local dealership a few days ago and was interested in leasing a 2024 Mustang GT. I don’t remember exactly what my salesman said but he mentioned something about ford not wanting to lease the GT or adding a large extra fee because it’s a “race car” and they don’t want people wrecking them. Is this true for all dealerships, if so can anyone provide some more information?

Thanks in advance

i’m not even done with futures, the come back is gonna be insane 😈

ah, i was thinking for rolex arabic dials

am i off the shits, where is there arabic on the vc?

bro you’ve got 10k left you still have a chance

Really appreciate that, thank you

I’m turning 16 in july and in search of a job to pay for my first car, would you be able to hire a 15 year old? If not do you have any recommendations as to who would hire me Thanks in advance

i can smell the watermelon through my screen