Yeah he's right and the rotating iPad as added pressure on the customer to pay tip is just very low and dirty move.

Even if I wanted to pay tip, I'll click zero on the iPad and hand the money the the cashier's hands just to fuck with their system.

Again as iterated by most other comments, I'll repeat because it is the simple truth. "Employer" is responsible to give the "employee" living, decent, humane wage. "Customer" comes around and tips "if" they want to. Employee should be doing fine without the tips.

Good ol' Freudian plot slip twist, never gets old

Is it a personal preference or mandatory with shaming non confirming members?

That's the fine line where everyone dances and tip toes.

Yeah that's the secret sauce of Freddie Mercury

Sunscreens demographic right there, with the space lasers spf

Mouse having C suction birth

Porn scenes has more conveniencing acting than this.

Probably a PR move after the post of the retired employee who received a paper weight "burger-shaped" after 30 years of employment.

Your milage may vary, Mumbai's "night smell" is not the same as in Zurich.

Other people's opinions do not define who you are.

I know the burn is worse when this bad opinion comes from family or friends. That "friend" who told you this can also kiss ass. Where I'm from, we say "the one who tells you you've been insulted has equally insulted you". So if that friend is not being supportive, you can ditch them as soon as possible.

You opened a second can of worm, and we were trying to close the first one. But good point nonetheless.

Lovely Americans got rid of the idea of God with proper lore and folklore just to be replace it by degenerate politicians and idolize them.

Of course am being hyperbolic to get my point across, not all Americans are the same, but it's sad to see that this remote possibility have actually manifested as an actual reality. Nature really abhors a vacuum.

Bash, rash, with shitty camouflage.


Jung himself had many partners, it's said the reason behind this is his loss of his mother at somewhat of an early age.

Your post is really difficult to tie up together, not to say it's not valid. Generally I feel that the success rate of monogamous relationship is not very high, by "success" I don't mean living in a state continuous bliss, but to be overall content in life.

Each two partners will have different sex drive or libido, different outlook on life, different mentality about how to spend what they earn, different levels of being health conscious and taking care of themselves, different ways to bring their children, different interests. These differences are more pronounced in heterosexual relationships because male and female psyche are not the same.

Think of each example I gave above (and other examples you might have) as a circles on top of each other and these circles rarely, rarely are concentric (to clarify concentric means that all circles are perfectly on top of each with no deviation between them) in the gaps of deviations between us (my circles and your circles) the novelty, uniqueness and individuality is born, and it's what makes us different from a herd of zebras that's homogenous and boring. But it also requires us to make compromises and sacrifices to accommodate each other and coexist somewhat peacefully.

I hope I made sense.


I've once read an intriguing idea, it says that for a myth to work it has to be taught to you as part of long past lineage or divinly inspired. It's impossible for us humans to create a myth on the spot and believe in it, we will be "kidding ourselves".

I've extended this line of thought to something I was curious about since I was a little kid, which is the fact that I'm ticklish only when someone else does it to me, and it has to be out of nowhere, like not anticipated at all. If I try to tickle myself, it won't work at all.

Now I want to connect these two ideas with AI. I personally feel AI will be like the myth we have invented for ourselves but we can't believe in, or trying to tickle ourselves and laugh at the same time, which will be so excruciatingly sad and pathetic.

Am not saying AI has no practical utility, am trying to describe my general sentiment towards it, if that makes sense.

Good pick and good read, even though I haven't finished it, I can say from the parts I've read, the books is so original and its perspective on things is so fresh. Good stuff really.

It's like you've been living in a dark cave and someone is flashing kaleidoscopic flash on the walls in front of you, and you are somewhat bothered by the sudden shiny light, but also intrigued by the colorful patterns.

The court of public opinion doesn't take kindly to your styling choices.

Six more to go, one uppity at the end. You can do it.