Smart kiddo dumb person is the women behind him.

Castlevania, Metroid prime, Command & Conquer, Gran Turismo, Burn out 3, Baba is you

Hopefully soon but please don´t let Todd do it he screwed up since a long time and many games.Modders should make cool mods and not Repair the whole game, but they were not for fun called bugthesda. abusing true fans for performance mods and other type of mods that repair the game. Starfield is his biggest dissaster at the moment but as director of the new Indy game I got the feeling he will screw this up too.

FNV from Obsidian is 100 times more fun for me than fallout 3 or 4. Fallout wouls have been a fine singleplayergame but they decided getting constantly cash is more important than a good game.

Microsoft will force some companies for elderscrolls and fallout remakes and a New Fallout will be done by obsidian announced after the release of avowed.

Something like Irvine Welsh or Charles Bukowski both got a awesome writing style that mixed with Fromsoft would be so fantastic for me

It´s Foobal EM what did you expect? It is every WM or EM it´s the same. Racist shoutings from Dumb football fans. Some are more annoying than the other. And it´s usally the loser team who yell´s with the most loudness

Die Mützenriecher kommen auf ihre kosten

Wenigstens kein Parasitinsekt äh pariasek

Seit Tim da den Laden schmeißt wird es immer langweiliger und langweiliger und lustig ist es auch nicht mehr. Weil der macht ja lieber seinen podcast als ne gute gametwo folge. Dazu kommt die Bens moderieren höchstens noch und spielen ja in den einspielern nicht mehr mit.

Trainspotting hat angeschaut da wird das auch erlärt zumindest was toxoplasmose ist

Der Topf ist nicht geschirrspüler tauglich. Salz und klarspüler greifen das material an.

i wanna see her reaction after crushing throu the table

Jedes mal wenn das ÖFB team im tv und anderen medien gehyped wird verkacken sie es. Das schon seit mindestens 1998 so und davor sicher auch. Einfach orginale Nichtskönner sind das.

moldy mold if ithe smell of the bread don´t smell normal.

a headscissor takedown. after that opponent lays on ground and now finish him with knife stabbed in his chest

Rex. Metal gear Rex