Fair point. Frenchieā€™s been a clotheshorse slash foil for kimiko for awhile now

Ok yeah! Just looked back (butcher really does just materialize in that alley) and managed to miss that somehow.

Welp I guess that means who knows what the fuck for the temp V tentacles

Maybe, but if she can she hasnā€™t figured out how. The confrontation they had in theā€¦ barn or whatever that was back earlier made pretty clear that he can perforate her before she can pop him. And Iā€™d think if she could sneaky pop him sheā€™d have done it on day one

Sheā€™s probably not invincible, though. They just havenā€™t figured out how to hurt her yet. Mentioning research and ā€œintelā€ that acid could hurt her would be pointless misdirection if she werenā€™t in some way vulnerable. Also everyone kind of just accepts it might be possible for starlight to blind her. And she isnā€™t durable enough even to consider challenging Homelanderā€¦

so she has to have some degree of concern but yet sheā€™s actively assisting development of something that can definitely kill her, by people who hate her. All so that they wonā€™t out her? Itā€™s wearing thin

Theyā€™re a macguffin at this point to keep Newman and the boys on screen together

Frenchie was a drug-addled Battle of Algiers gun-running mad scientist hit man from the start. Heā€™s gone pretty soft with the boys and esp with kimiko but before Butcher came back around, Frenchie and Cherie were very nasty people.

To me his regret is a natural offshoot of that softening. And his taking up with Colin is another example of his spectacularly poor decision-making

Butcherā€™s only had temp V that I recall, not real V. Same with the bunny; that IV bag was labeled ā€œTEMP Vā€ in huge letters for a reason, and butcher sees his own fate in the dead bunny later and thatā€™s why he crushes whatever the fuck that was so angrily.

Granted, itā€™s weird that Zoe has tentacley powers from real V while temp V brainworms The Thing-style seem to be a different thing

Itā€™s getting to be a running joke all the efforts to kill Newman, and her blowing it off. Hughie ruins her dress with acid (also Hughie and Vicky have great chemistry, much better than with Annie), Butcher domes her and sheā€™s barely annoyed. The incoming president and the entire CIA is researching ways to kill her and she justā€¦ chills

Her ā€œtheyā€™ll expose me if I hurt their feelings so they own meā€ motivation feels really thin. Especially when she knows they want the virus (HER virus) to kill HL too but she obviously would be next

Genuinely a sad arc. A damaged guy trapped in his own head creating kindness and comfort because he doesnā€™t have any. And dying alone.

Noir must have thought he could trust HL because he was truthful. Imagine being so broken the only (non-imaginary) person you think can trust is fucking homelander

Show me a dude with no control over himself, and no trust from his daughter, and is pissed about it.

here ya go

Edit: part of the look was that the dinner was not just one they were both at: it was for Loren, and Mansfield showed up last barely dressed (something she was known for)

Thereā€™s an interview with Sophia Loren about how she was waiting for those titties to pop out and presumably she was ready to be pissed about it for trying to upstage her with a publicity stunt at her own event

Checkingā€¦ checkingā€¦ checkingā€¦ ok yeah fake. Can we go back to the room now?

Why go Little Mac instead of tasing the dude? Nasty slap but that could have missed and gone S pretty quick

Fuck that looks exhilarating

It increases the chances of conceeeeption