No one said anything about starving. I’m simply in the woods. The average dude isn’t Bear Grylls, this isn’t Man Vs Wild, it’s simply being in the woods with a bear also in the woods. 

lol no, I’m just antisocial. Maybe Finland is the place for me. 

Maybe I just don’t want to talk to a stranger in the woods? Doesn’t matter if he’s the nicest funniest guy in the world. I don’t want to make small talk with a random person and the bear won’t talk. 

At least she’s wearing gloves and blots the frying oil at the end.

I hope you’re joking 

I get your comment is about dishwasher safe instruments. I’m jumping in here to say do not put other woodwind instruments in a dishwasher! Do not dishwash your flutes, clarinets, oboes etc. By all thats holy don’t. Please. 

Luckily I’m single now. Previous partners were not so great so I guess that’s why I value my personal space and being alone so much. I appreciate the concern though. 

I also feel safe traveling alone and do it happily when I can. I’ve always been very protective of my personal space and hate having people over. I feel safe alone at home. But I enjoy going out with friends. I enjoy going to their houses and I feel good around them just so long as I have an out. It’s the same with dating I’ve found. 

I recently listened to an interview with someone who does group therapy with domestic abusers and the thing I came away with was they did everything they did because it benefits them. Everything is about making their life easier and more comfortable. 

The patriarchy part seemed obvious to me as well. What I can say got to me was the scene with the older woman at the bus stop. I’m finding aging surprisingly difficult. I’ve never thought too much about it or my appearance until recently and it’s been harder than I anticipated. That scene cracked something open in me. In a good way. 

I’m not usually the person to cry fake but this is literally a stolen plot. 

I don’t see why not. It’s quite pretty and depending on the dress code could be dressed up if need be. 

I have a bag that converts into a backpack. I wonder what he’d say about that? 

That’s an adorable dress but maybe see if you can get it altered. Maybe not a bra but a bralette? There are some cute ones that might lean more towards a camisole.

My parents told my sibling and I last night they’re getting a divorce and I had to take today off. I don’t know if I can go in tomorrow and feel like I’m walking around in a fog. I don’t have any advice but I also feel like I can’t talk to them about how it’s affecting me. Take care of yourself.

I don’t know if Reddit has bans on certain words but I’ve never met a person 36 or older who uses “unalive” automatically.