:flag-us: America

All George did was kept asking, “Don’t you think you should step down?”

“Democrats are saying…”

“Polls say this, that…”

Later. Rinse. Repeat.

Goading him to back down. Nothing of substance.

That’s not an interview.

tre45on needs a similar interview, but everyone is afraid to ask or deeply challenge him on any of his Lies. Plus he refuses or just denies/lies more. And Gaffes? He is the King of those!

Good on Joe for saying No, or just avoiding the question, while building himself up, just like tre45on did during the debate.

No one questioned tre45on why he never answered the actual questions vs disparaging Our President, Our Country and just outright loudly brag-lying.

Blame the media for ramping it up and giving tfg a pass on everything from the newly released Epstein info and Project 2025 (and now his denial of it while his PAC pays for it), to his 50+ lies during the debate (read the transcript and fact checking), and more.

Joe’s got great people in his administration and has been getting lots done that we don’t want tfg undoing, or worse.

Ceiling fans in the bedrooms and one in the dining room. Window AC for my room if it gets really bad, but some years I never install/used it, one year used it all June and July. I do have another AC for downstairs, but not used it in years. I don’t keep windows open at night/early morning anymore (used to) due to too loud neighbors in front, one that mows at 730am on a Sat, one that smokes cigs and it drifts into my side windows, or one with a dog constantly on bark if it’s outside. My house stays pretty cool overall. Used to put a box fan in the stairwell window, but not needed for years. Bathroom/kitchen exhaust fans can help too. This year has been pretty cool overall so I’ve not even used the ceiling fans, yet.

Well, another happy attitude. :P You don’t have to type out a separate sheet, but my company’s online application has a section for them and we actually call them, you know, for reference. ;-) Have a great day!

Only seen that once, was odd, but no bearing. I’ve seen two who included their photo up top, which was odd, but not negative?

Edit: There are no stupid questions. ;-)

I’m trying it first on my new blueberries, but I’d read on one of the subs it was suggested from Fleet Farm and when I bought seeds locally they suggested light warrior or ocean, but they don’t carry those. I’ve not looked elsewhere yet for those, but this will work for my perennials for now. Thanks for the heads-up tho!

:mn: Up North

Personally, I like it a bit warmer, but no humidity.

New documents were released detailing his involvement with 2-12yos and more. Do a search on here for ‘trump Epstein’

Thanks! It felt really good! Best was having such a great teacher who wanted his students to ‘get it’.

As a person often included on an interview team, while reviewing candidates I look if they have a cover letter, have adjusted it for the position they’re applying for (many forget to change job titles, dates, check spelling/grammar, etc.,), as it shows effort, especially when resumes are poor or they lack previous work experience. They get extra consideration for this effort, as there are many with your attitude who don’t submit one. ;-)

You also wouldn’t believe how many are poor at submitting just basic references as well. One person used their family, but should’ve used their teachers/instructors/professors if no/little prev job history.

Advice: you basically have a few things to do: apply/submit resume, cover letter, references, show up on time, dress nice, be pleasant. Know something about the company, your offering to the position, and have a few questions for us.

If you do a remote online interview- make your damn bed/clean your room or check your background behind the cam!!! Try not to look like you just woke up!

Seriously, you’d not believe how lazy/ill-prepared some people are when they supposedly really want/need a job.

Edit: also submit a follow-up letter or email. Those who make efforts stand out!

Watch for Free Mobile Dental Clinics or Days, and/or hit up a 2yr college Dental Assistant program free dental cleaning/care during Spring semester. They always need patients and a variety of issues to learn. A dentist comes around too to review and might be able to help you.

Some places have a community dental clinic too for those with income issues. They take people on a first of the month lottery call - means you call in on the first at 8-830am when they open and keep calling til you get a spot - unless it’s a dental emergency- then they work you in. Hope that helps!

Edit to add: https://www.affordabledentures.com/locations They do more than dentures and are much cheaper than a dentist.

2yr colleges with a dental assistant program will clean your teeth free (it takes a little longer as they have to get each step reviewed by their instructor) and after the cleaning a dentist comes around and checks your teeth for cavities and whatnot. They need patients too. Win/Win if you don’t have/can’t afford dental. Mind you, it’s only once a year, in Spring semester, but better than nothing.

Get the PlantNet app - it’s great! Allows you to take a photo with your phone or search your gallery and then identify by leaves/flowers/fruit/bark/habit or other. I’ve been letting my backyard grow out for pollinators and wanted to eliminate the bad weeds.


If you click the scientific name it gives you all the info and links. If you click the common name it displays other names for it. Have fun!

I did great at Geometry in HS, loved the shapes, but was totally lost in Algebra (a horrible teacher in HS and pre-Algebra too), and never took it again. I went back to school as a non-traditional student (read: older adult), and I had to take Algebra (during summer semester no less) :( But… I had the best teacher! He made sure to work with everyone until they ‘got’ it - together - and really taught us the formulas. No one made fun of anyone - just helped each other. I finally got an A in math, in Algebra.

I’d not heard of dyscalculia but his highlighting idea is a really good one!

It’s like a tequila worm! Eat it!

:mn: Up North

71 now. 72 coming tomorrow and 79-87 this week. Lows 58-67.

There was a lone nimrod in some uniform holding a flag saluting facing traffic coming into Duluth last week.

Do you hate all the new and different license plates too? You can fly either flag, or both, or both with the American flag, or none. It’s nothing to cry about.

:flag-us: America

So we vote blue. There are far more Is, Ds and sane Rs than MAGAs. Everyone I know is voting blue. I’ve read comments on various online sites, they are as well. Stay True.