I very much agree that the result is in part due to anti tory, rather than pro labour. There are a number of seats that labour won by a margin smaller than the votes that reform gained. Presumably many of those people would have previously voted Tory

I can understand votes for reform and any other non incumbent party with people voting for change in one form or another, I just struggle to see what it is the Tory’s did over the previous 14 years that people want to see more of

Yes, I did vote for labour. I would always vote for the party who’s policies most aligned with my views rather than voting for them because they’re X party

Currently, I can’t imagine voting Tory as I’m 30 years old, they’ve been in power for almost half of my life and I feel as though they’ve done nothing to help people of my generation. This doesn’t mean I’d never vote for them in my life, if their policies aligned with my views in a future election then yes I’d vote for them however unlikely it may be

Personally I’d like to see private schools done away with altogether, which I know will never happen but if the children of those with power are forced to go to the same schools as the rest of us then it wouldn’t take long before the entire system is improved

I agree with your point on it making private schools more exclusive as people live to their means and a 20% increase will certainly mean that some parents will no longer be able to afford the fees

In a more realistic sense, my view is that private education is a luxury good so why shouldn’t it be subject to VAT?

We all live in our bubbles, I’m in Manchester and everyone here vote labour so I can definitely see that being the case

Re private school fees, a quick google search tells me that 7% of school kids attend a private school. I can understand why their parents wouldn’t want labour given the increase in fees but can it really be an issue for anyone else? Particularly when labour have said that the additional money raised will be pumped into state schools which will benefit vast majority of the 93% that don’t go to private schools

As much as it’s a “bloodbath” I genuinely can’t believe how many seats the tories have won. I’d love to know what people have seen over the past few years that makes them want to vote that way

I disagree with them, I can see why people are voting reform but the fact that people are still voting Tory baffles me

Where to start?

I’m looking for pointers as to where to start with learning about Ancient Rome as somebody who knows very little about the subject

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Can you get phone notifications such as emails etc to a garmin in the same way that you can to an Apple Watch?

They can fucking good play football

It’s funny seeing the Saudi Howaybians decide that Ashworth is a useless cunt who didn’t do anything for them during his tenure & every good thing that happened involved everyone except Ashworth

And you Americans are going to go out in the group stages in a tournament you’re hosting, talk about embarrassing

Southgate has put more pensioners to sleep than Harold shipman ever did

No matter how well he plays, he won’t start for us. ETH clearly likes to choose the strongest 11 he has available for every match, including cup games so he needs to go elsewhere if he wants game time imo

I’m not the guy you were replying to but Ed Davey was energy secretary during the coalition & voted for raising tuition caps, despite the Lib Dem’s pledge not to.

I was in the first year of university students to experience the £9000 fees & as a result will never vote for them

They can fucking good play football

wages need to be part of any "net spend" conversation. Im sure that city's are 100% accurate and there are no payments under the table of any kind & that when they did that with Mancini, it was a one off & couldnt possibly happen again

also interesting to see that poor old liverpool, operating on a shoestring budget have such high wages

I've just listened to Blueprint for Armageddon & i've now bought the entire back catalogue. What would you recommend listening to next?

I listen to a lot of podcasts/audiobooks & having finally got around to starting hardcore history I can honestly say its the among the top 1-2 podcasts i've ever listened to

Now that i've bought evey episode, what would you recomend listening to next?

Which apps would you recommend? I have no interest in the social aspect and set all of my activities to private so would definitely be interested in hearing about better tracking/analysis apps

They can fucking good play football

It must be so frustrating for citys owners, knowing that if anyone disagrees with them at home they can just have them murdered but they can’t do that here

Im fairly certain one of our decent journalists has already said we've been priced out of him unfortunately