Probably about as much as real parents appretiate your advice.

"Why don't you make pizza with your kids"

OMG why didn't I think of that!? lmao

For most people their philosophies on parenting tends to change when they actually have kids. So it's really silly and immature for you to judge other parents when you don't even have kids yourself.

I'd be willing to bet you don't even have kids.

That doesn't pass the sniff test in many countries. If all your marketing materials has future content in it and you have the director of the game saying don't worry we are funded to 1.0 that is pretty clear false advertising. Doesn't matter what the EA policy is if the game is being advertised with future content.

Company policy doesn't negate legal liability. There are reasonable expectations that could cause a game to cancel prematurely and there are unreasonable.

A reasonable one would be,
The company ran out of business,
A fire destroyed all progress on the code,
The lead developer died,

etc etc.

An unreasonable one would be:
The company, which has the money to fund it, decided they just don't want to anymore, while giving their CEO enough of a bonus to fund their product for years.

If this went to court there is a chance they would lose. Especially in france where consumer rights are much stronger.

They gave you full documentation with an example of how to use it...

Why do you need a YouTube video?

I don't think it will ever get much better. Not without new technology. LLMs will always have the weakness of bad information polluting their model and giving bad or broken answers. It's a great tool and I disagree with OP that it can't be a tool for learning. But it will always come with the caveat that there is a significant chance it is confidently wrong.

Chat GPT is a fine learning tool if you recognize that it's often wrong and double check and understand every line of code it writes and expect it to be wrong. It's great at pointing you in the right direction and keeping you moving forward. But it shouldn't be the only tool you use.

You've just got to remember at the end of the day you're the smarter one. And it's just an LLM. You're far more capable of telling fact from fiction.

I think you're being a little harsh on the intern though. They're learning and making mistakes. That's their job as an intern. Most interns suck at debugging. It's a learned skill that can take years of experience to master. It's your job as his senior to get him up to speed on what tools are reliable.

Depends on your goals with it. It's fun, keeps the game chaotic and interesting. But there are more competative decks.

Your best is a moving target that hopefully gets better with experience.

You might just be slower to gain that experience than others. I am too and i also got laid off for performance early in my career. But these days, 12 years into the field I'm a capable member of my team and never get bad reviews. The rest of my team looks to me for guidance and i feel like there is very little i can't handle.

Pick yourself back up, find a new job and keep going. You'll be fine.

People really need to get better at spotting bullshit rage bait. Especially on tik tok. Don't believe a damn word a tik tok influencer says.

I feel like this is pretty fair game. generally, if you're playing Goose you have ways to bring in cards that are worth far more than 7/7

Once the novelty dies things will calm back down. It's not a great card by any length. I don't think it will have any staying power in the meta. It's a meme card, like Agatha

I honestly thought this was a balance patch to family house doors to make it harder for LF to see someone working on the doors. It made family house harder for me as a LF player because I had to check each door up close.

The players are always going to play the game more than the devs. That's just a given fact. Thousands of players playing multiple hours a day are going to find more bugs than a hand full of devs.

Personally I just learned to ignore all the terminally online trolls. Which is why I love star wars. Why the sequels are my favorite star wars movies, and why I loved all the disney plus star wars shows.

Maybe, Star Wars just isn't for you anymore and that's ok. Or maybe someone will come along and make a Star Wars that fits your tastes better.

whenever the question is "Why didn't game dev make this stupidly easy change"

The answer is almost always because it's not stupidly easy. In fact it's stupid how not easy it is.

I'm guessing there is something fucky with the way Wong does things that makes fast forwarding difficult for him. And it just hasn't been a high enough priority thing to dive into to solve.

I'm sure they're not just refusing to fix an annoying bug. It's just not a quick fix and they've prioritized other things.

For all i know she is. Whatever she did at least she isn't a murderer psycho

It ain't understandable in the least bit. In fact it makes me think this psycho probably did diddle his kids. Certainly he has the mindset for it.

Neat. Now his kids don't have a mother or a father. That's so much better.

Because it checked the left location first and found a win condition. So it didn't bother checking the other locations.