fabric tape, also called medical tape. Its a breathable tape they use in hospitals and stuff to hold your IV on or tape on a cotton wad to stop bleeding. Just search medical tape on Amazon.

Its cruel to the pet if it doesn't work, and there is no guarantee it will, so I am not suggesting it, but for me, its the "HAVE" to do it aspect. I love them, like you said. I am passionate, they are my life and happiness. Games, sports, etc, work for me for a time, but I am never passionate enough for it to last. I don't need to play or watch a game. My passion wanes over time for them. But it never has for plants and animals, and if I don't get my ass out of bed, my plants and animals will suffer.

I am disabled (through multiple autoimmune diseases and cancer, thankfully I am fully mobile most days), and even my bad days, I just gotta tough through it for them. My animals need food and water, so I have to get out of bed. My dogs desperately want to play with me and have fun, and they need enrichment, so I have to go play with them and get them exercise, which means I have to go outside and do something. I also have to go outside to water my plants. Just getting up, going outside, moving around, and doing something like that makes me happier. I do have people that can take care of them if I cant for a few days, luckily.

I live in the California desert, where it was almost 47C yesterday. I would also like the car to barrel in to me at speed

Maybe not for long, depending on his country of residence.

I only moved to the high desert early 2023. I used to have a spot on the other side of the mountain, near Puddingstone Reservoir. Would be just me for years, watching the entirety of East L.A. county, and eventually my girlfriend and I, and maybe a few cars. About 5 years ago, people just flood the spot now. here was even a couple just straight up having sex on the hood of their car while us and a few other cars were just trying to enjoy the night. Kind of ruined the place for me.

I get what they call "sludge" instead of stones. So it's more like sand. I don't have to pass the big painful ones out, thank God, but it's like peeing out glass sand, and it feels like my entire kidneys were in a train wreck.

I accidently left the feeding lid off my jumping spider's tank last night. Woke up 12 hours later with him chilling on his brother's tank, thankfully.

I just got 3 Regius last weekend. I absolutely love hand feeding them.

Others need to stop up voting it. This sub now regularly makes the front page (only reason I'm here and ever see it, bit I see it at least once a day). Popular subs stop getting modded to stay relevant and just become r/funny repost factories

I do not have advice, but I just got a green rainbow stag larvae, and you got all the other colors! Lol

I'm not beating the heat. Dying out here. Shitty house, shitty insulation, shitty AC. We do all we can and it still gets to 85 inside.

Where you getting cold water? Here in VV it's coming out of the tap at 83

I live in the CA desert. Regularly gets hotter than Florida's hottest days. BUT, I cannot do anything in FL when it's above 85 without it feeling like I'm having a heart attack. I can't breathe at all, as I do not have gills.

Ooh! Good luck! I was deciding between a rainbow and Goliath. Went with the Rainbow due to lifespan vs money constraints. When I have a bit more, I hope to get a goliath.

Nice! I met my first gf there, too, haha. I've been itching to go back, even though it's nothing like it was...

I live in the extremely dry California Mojave desert. We had 4 phone screens full of active fire calls last night.

The reason he was even in jail to begin with was assaulting her on a road trip. Very similar


It was my dream job up until I was a teen and then realized I'd be constantly putting animals to death because people couldn't afford treatment.

I keep spiders as pets (regal jumpers and tarantulas so far), but I still kill dozens of black widows every night in Summer. I'm not risking my dogs health.

Trump has 0 reasons right now to debate. He's up, Biden fucked it, no point giving him a shot to redeem himself. Highly doubt there will be another debate.

Ragnarok did this in like 2002 and it's still one of my favorite games.

I love how he just stole the "free" envelopes that you're supposed to pay for when you mail out from USPS

I spent 8 hours huddled on the floor with my terrified dogs. It was so much worse and louder this year than last. He was okay last year, a little scared. This year I thought I was going to lose him to a heart attack.

Even if they don't have it worse, I don't want to bring the mood down and make their day worse. I am fully aware it's a stupid way to think when you have support. They want to be there for you. Feeling supported doesn't make me feel good, though. It makes me feel like I failed.