Are you me? Same thing basically happened to me, and I tried real hard to give it back for a while. Got met with resistance from my unit's supply (some may call it unprofessional communication) saying it wasn't their responsibility, I could never get in touch with CIF because COVID I guess? Also it's hours away from me so I couldn't just show up there on the hopes they'd be in the office. Ultimately had a friend who had a contact in his unit check my OCIE dated after my ETS from the guard and it shows no items on my record and no due outs - of which I have a copy. So, who knows? Still got all my ta-50 gear in case they come looking for it. Edited to add some details.

I have a distinct memory of being at the skate rink and hearing "Pour Some Sugar on Me" even though it was a few years out of style (before it came back in style).

This is the Old Dude, Howard J. Reynolds and you're listening to Less Than Jake!

06 v8 limited 218k, bought at 185k. Brakes, spark plugs, transmission flush at 200k, change the oil every 5k, but I did just have to have the AC repaired. Gonna drive it till it falls apart, which I don't anticipate happening for a good while.

Not slander because it's true but I bumped my head on the low hanging door frame at the grenade range during basic and my drill saw it and said "damn pri, you must be 35 series."

That's stuck with me.

Tombstone is up there for me. Also Dumb and Dumber lol

Order 66 podcast (if it still exists - as in, you can still download the old episodes) is by far the best Saga Edition audio resource. You'll have to go back to like 2008 or so, but they do a great job of going through the classes, rules, etc - although it is not a live play. One of my favorite podcasts of all time.

Not quite the answer to the question you asked, but to echo some of the other replies - WEG D6 may not be the best system for a force user heavy campaign. I've played all the SWRPG systems (D6 is one of my favorites) - and for a force user heavy, KOTOR setting, I would recommend Saga Edition. It may make your life as a DM much easier, and there is also a KOTOR specific setting book for it.

Just some advice from someone who has a little bit of experience :) Good luck, OP and MTFBY!

And those mashed potatoes and gravy...oh yeah.


My experience with the dlpt fits with this. If I wasn't sure of the answer, the more "vague" the answer choice, the more likely it was correct. Went from barely a 2/2 to a 3/3 with that method. YMMV

Paid off. Joined the military in my 30s for the SLRP and got most paid that way ($65k). Paid the remaining off, which by that time was $10kish of compounded interest applied to principal.

I'm all for student loan forgiveness for the (what should be criminal) system we had to go through for our college educations. I don't want someone to have to join the armed forces for educational benefits, although it did work for me and set me up pretty well going forward.

There's a scorpion on my BAAAACK!

Fellow army vet here. Favorite military movie is unironically In The Army Now.

Thank you! This is a shit take for sure, but ultimately, who is this guy? Nobody. We should treat their opinions as such. Man, I miss the times before social media where these extreme opinions of strangers were largely ignored by society, or at least weren't shoved in our faces.

"My weekend (hall) pass was NOT revoked!"