I’m asking for the specific source of this frame, and how we know this specific image is real.

How do you know it’s not fake? What is your source that it’s real?

It was originally shared as a meme as a joke. I’ve not seen any evidence that states it’s real. I think it would be awesome if it was, but just haven’t seen it.

Could you share?

No, this is an ACAB NPC. They’re not going to do research.

Just curious, but is their direct, confirmed proof of this?

Why do you say that?

Am explosion isn’t bad. It’s just that no risible source has shared it. It originated as a meme.

Unfortunately, simply not being a rabid Elon hater will get you labeled and Elon Stan as well.

I think it’s a pretty great community.

It’s a push by leftists to change the talking points away from Bidens debate, even if it’s not true.

:oklahomastate2: :hateful8: Oklahoma State • Hateful 8

The 08 season in general was amazing

This comment is deranged. This is what happened when you internet too much kids.

I thought Ludwig was stupid easy. I 1-shot him without having to use a blood vial. Honestly one of the easier bosses of the game.

Orphan took me 30+ tries.

There’s no reason to be an asshole about this.

They said it needs to be very hot. You then attack them, and made up some numbers they they did lot say. They never mentioned 500F. Just that it needs to be very hot.

Be better.

🦵 Landing

That’s a fine discussion point. I’m pointing out that the concept of needing stilts is poor reasoning.

ER was my first souls game, so when I came to Bloodborne I found it incredibly easy (outside the opening area). After I died a bunch to the mid-game spider boss, I 1-shot every boss until Orphan (who killed me 30+ times).

Same with “fascism”. It just means “person I don’t like” now.

🦵 Landing

It doesn’t matter if you’re on stilts or not. What matters is the elevation above sea level.

It’s amazing how many times people will bet against Elon, lose, and then do it again.

But hey, it’s free money for us.