Is having sex with a horse better or worse if I said I may have also been on meth… oh I mean the rich persons drug…

They got what they wanted and spread the lies into the internet where they can now live forever.

You’re right! The CIA use of the Streisand effect to draw MORE attention to the thing they are trying to hide! Let’s see how this works out for them Cotton.

Bro… F off with this BS. Biden stood alone and told the world Russia was going to attack and Europe and even Ukraine didn’t think it would be more than a flare up on the existing front.

He’s is literally the definition of narcissist psychopath with a touch of Asperger’s and a bad drug habit with a family, one side hates him and the other married his own young step daughter.

You know that every country had the same limits until recently? Good way to break up an alliance is to do it alone and not address your allies concerns. It’s not luck that Germany made this announcement just a day before Biden. US knows if escalation occurs from this decision you’ll need all the European power on board first since they will be struck first if Russia wants to retaliate.

Is it a crime to go after criminals if you at an AG? I know Trump would NEVER go after anyone!

I like how you change the subject and not answer what due process was missed. Typical.

Me too but I wanted to play vice city but all the store around me were sold out for the first few weeks.

Please source where the judge said EVERYTHING is on the table… I know where you are hearing this and it’s not true. You can literally read the judges rulings if you want the truth or you can keep repeating everything you hear.

Trump doesn’t want paper trails. That’s why. Just like a mob boss.

Why don’t you learn about basic civics and law? It’s not a random decision made by a huge no matter how many Trumper’s want it to be true. All witnesses have rules around what they can and can’t testify too. The judge said he can testify but can’t draw conclusions about what evidence is or isn’t election interference. But you answered your own question by stating that he wasn’t indicted on election interference so a witness can’t argue what is and isn’t interference.

Said as fact with no evidence. This is how these guys (always guys too) keep you all hooked on their every word. Believe me and no one else.

They failed to mention the 1,100 cops that were caught DUI and just let them go!

Great comeback. Please argue those points. You can find this exact list from any news source beyond Trump propaganda like Fox, OAN or 4chan.