Everything is going wrong and I feel I've had as much as I can take

I'm a full time delivery driver and I own two vehicles. Been scrambling to get my mortgage payment by the first and even borrowed $800 from my mom to do it. One car broke so I drove the other one three days, and then it broke today. Spent $270 to fix it. No longer had enough for the mortgage, but thought maybe I'd get enough work in tomorrow and it would be OK. Then my phone promptly broke, so I still can't work tomorrow. Bought a pint to drink away my sorrows, but after two sips I dropped the bottle so I couldn't even have that. Couldn't pay my phone bill or electric bill this month so I have to pay each twice next month, but I can't see how it's possible. Oh, did i mention jury duty next month? This is just tonight's struggles, it's endless. At this point I feel absolutely no hope. This is not a life worth living. I work every single day and every minute I'm awake, and I still can't make it. I have no life at all... so why must I go on? I don't want to. Is it truly selfish to take yourself away from your loved ones? Or isn't it selfish to insist that someone continue in never-ending pain and suffering so that you don't have to be sad a while? Day after day I suffer and I do it for them, but nobody cares until you're gone.


Do you keep your bed covered in plastic during sex?

My husband and I don't wear underwear. I wear clothes to bed, but he likes to be naked. The world hasn't ended yet.

Does he have to wear pants during sex too? I'm just a bit confused.

One time it was raining super hard so I ran to the customers door at full speed. It was supposed to be leave at door, but the customer opened the door just as I got to the porch. First thing they see is someone up close running full speed, so they slammed the door in my face lol. Scared them. I yelled, "it's me, your driver!" They opened back up and I apologized for scaring them. They gave me a $20 cash tip because of how bad the rain was.

Yeah OP, your driver sucks.

32f here. I also have psoriasis. I have very thick hair that used to be down to my butt. Got tired of the flakes so I had my hair cut to just a Mohawk. Years later I shaved my entire head. Never felt better 😁 You got this.

Psh. What wouldn't I do with a severed cat tail?

Sea slug 😂 I've only seen photos of uncut cock, but I've never seen one in the wild.

Oh, I bet that's why babies get their dick snipped. God doesn't want everyone having magic powers! We must fight back!

I agree, it's cruel to do to a baby. A man should get to make that decision himself!

Stand up, back up against the wall, rub your butt on said wall. Then wipe the wall instead of your butt.

It really sucks. Doordash doesn't even seem to look at the appeals, my violation is still there. I've done about 70 deliveries since so it'll fall off pretty soon anyway.

I've reached a point where I don't even ring/knock for "hand it to me" orders because some people don't realize that they set it to that. I send a message that I'm there, and wait. I've had a "hand it to me" customer say "Thank you for not knocking! I meant to put leave at door!"

Whaaaat! That's crazy! Parking in the grass SMH