Oh dang I can't fix you, I guess it's into the recycling bin you go

When you don't fail the quick time events

No offense to Shinkenger, but the Magi rangers magic roughly translates to spawning elemental bullshit, which is a power way superior than fighting with swords

All ya dandys prancing around with your heads full of eyeballs

The cart is not moving!

Annoyed Spy noises

We need to hold this point!

Oh hey it's me when I used to be an explodingtnt fan, man he fell really bad lmao

Agree, Uber almost never fails regardless of the situation while everything else have their niches

I love fishing

And you thought Mario was the one being unreasonable

"a phone booth? They have phones in booths now? Thank goodness I don't have to lug around this phone in my pocket anymore" Hermes

It wasn't funny to the people in Pakistan, and it ain't funny here either

Lmao this is an advertisement for a toy line you dingus

Neither, save the spot for something more impressive and useful

And you post it here because?

I love fishing

A shame that Toad's not on this trip since he's either dead or has nothing to do with the main cast anymore, also Smg4 and Mario couldn't find another friend to go to Nintendo land with them. Karen getting to do something other than being a cashier was a nice change of pace though

It had to be gen one, on my first Gameboy I received at age 5.

Stolas thought Blitz didn't like the sex, and if you love something you set it free so Stolas gave blitz the stone so blitz won't be forced to sex to be able to use the book

Blitz thought stolas didn't like blitz's sex so Stolas gave blitz the stone so Stolas doesn't have to do the sex with blitz because ew imp peasant or something

It's a simple problem that could be solved by both side actually listening to each other

Disclaimer: content do not contain radioactive material, except maybe potassium if it's a fruit cake that contains banana