Block and report, please. That is skeezy behavior and it’s super unprofessional. You do NOT want to date someone who is willing to cross that legal and ethical boundary.


What really gets me going is that most hospitals seem to have a religious affiliation. What gets me even more is that certain hospitals can dictate what kind of daee you can get there because “Jesus” or whatever. Here’s the thing, those churches are not paying for the healthcare, the state and federal government, taxpayers, and health insurance are. I don’t understand the history and either way, I sure don’t approve. 


it's not a waste at all. People living in LTC need people to care for them and who better than someone who wants to do it? Don't listen to the haters. People really seem to be opinionated about what others want to do with their lives and their careers.


Absolutely never. Someone gifted me one and it went straight to goodwill. I have learned my lesson, I do not advertise what I do for a living. Plus, people like me would judge me #nurselife teehee

I wouldn’t care in the slightest. Maybe they have an immune system or respiratory issue. I’m all for protecting people. My partner has respiratory issues so we still mask in public spaces. He hasn’t had a cold or flu in 4 years, it’s been nice and all it took was a little mask and hand sanitizer. It’s not like it’s a big deal. 

Whatever is in chewing gum gives me headaches that feel like poprocks in my forehead. Not quite migraines for me, but I am 100% sure this is how I get those headaches. The kinds with sugar do not affect me. 

The double meaning of the “subject and a predicate” took me a lot longer than it should have. 

It’s not only about lyricism, but it’s also about him being a subject and a predicate offender. 


No. I taught LPNs for a while and the questions are so outdated and pointless, I’d spend half the time yelling at the screen. 


Oh geez, I’ve been hearing sock onions for all sorts if things for years. My favorite was vapo rub on the bottom of the feet. It apparently sucks out coughs. No, I am not sure how, and trying to get people to put it on their chests didn’t work. Apparently it just doesn’t go there. 

“I’m not running, officer, I’m trying to maintain your 25ft personal space.” 

Partassipant [1]

Haha Reddit is the wrong place to ask this question. Scroll back a bit and you will see hundreds of these questions. People fall into two camps: 1) you suck, you are a terrible person for considering this, people only go to weddings to get liquored up, nobody will go, etc or 2) you do you. 

Personally, NTA, it’s your wedding and although some people may fuss or not go, ultimately it’s your choice. 

Partassipant [1]

NTA. Easy solution, they can get rid of their kids!  For real, keep the kitty inside and get her some more toys. They make a lot of fun ones that are activated by movement. We have crinkly tunnels, laser pointers, a floppy fish, etc. Just switch them out every few days or they will ignore them. You can go to the pet store and buy a cricket for her if she likes to hunt bugs. I have to feed them to my son’s lizard (she will starve if her food doesn’t move) and on occasion one escapes and my cats go nuts. 

Sorry they have allergies but then they should have picked an apartment that doesn’t allow pets. 


I think it was technically a policy at the last hospital, but I wasn’t going to fire anybody because they had a visible piercing or tattoo. I suppose if it was vulgar then I would need to have them cover it. Right around the time I was leaving they finally relaxed the hair policy because nobody was following it anyway and who the hell cares if you have pink hair


Or you realize how difficult the job is, how much pressure you face, and that they will can you in a heartbeat if you don’t act like you not only drink but you LOVE the Kool-Aid. They make you feel threatened on a regular basis and you have no actual power. You realize you are a pawn, everyone now hates you, and it keeps you up at night. You have no support or training, it’s clear nobody above you has a clue how to work in healthcare and they are all little tyrants on a powertrip. The amount of gossip you are now privy to, including which of the department heads are/were organizing slimy mini-orgies in the maintenance wing (or was that just my job??) You need a job, it’s not like you can step down to your old job, you can stick it out to pad your resume or leave, but nothing sounds right. 



Wait, so now we have collectively decided that it’s weird to feel loss over a patient? Pffft.  I think even the most hardened nurse occasionally feels some type of way. If they don’t, they are not fit for the job because they have lust themselves. Yeah, you get used to it but then sometimes one will get you and sometimes it’s when you least expect it. I am a 25 year veteran and I have a few that bring me to tears even now just thinking about them. Just know that you aren’t alone in your human-ness. 

You do know that you do not have to work bedside, right? Those people that say you have to work in a hospital to be a nurse can suck it. I have strictly worked outpatient,  have degrees, and I make more money than they do. Anyway. Come to outpatient. Yeah you have to do some silly stuff for a while like rooming patients, vitals, or home visits, but you just go ahead and specialize and people will chase after you. If you want the secret job that will guarantee you a solid career path if you are a good rule follower and are chill and patient with people and their messy lives, hmu. 

Yes. Absolutely I would sleep in. I would send my bf to buy a new car in the afternoon because I worry every day his is going to die. Then I would probably go back to bed and just scroll on my phone for a while, laugh in my head at some memes, then take a nap. Then maybe look at some little houses with some property on zillow. After I buy a little house, I would keep up my newfound napping hobby. The money would be managed by an investor and I would just live off of interest or whatever. I don’t even need a lot, I just don’t want to have to work or worry about bills. 


I can see it, you’re in Vegas for a 10 day vacation. You are beyond hungover, you saw the shows you wanted to see. You stayed a few days longer than you should have but had PTO to burn. You find a stack of coupons on the front desk of your hotel for an oldies concert for $10 with a 2 drink minimum. It’s something to do and drinks are probably cheap. You don’t have to expend too much energy, it’s a sit down show and nobody under the age of 40 is going to be there to get rowdy. Sounds like a good time. 

Edit: OMG you all missed it. It would take 10 days in Vegas and a $20 coupon to be willing to see this show.  Also, you know you can travel cheap in the off season if you don’t stay at a casino? And a 10 day trip is doable when you have a 4 day weekend, but idk who wants to stay there for 3 days let alone 10. And who of you don’t have a ton of PTO? You all have the luxury of being able to take your days off? Pfftt I have to work when I am sick. 


I’ve been in it for 25 years and not only do I feel like an idiot, I am one. It’s ok. I know some stuff. 

Im thinking she’s about to get framed. Someone is going to say she did some crazy shit and needs to be hospitalized. She was acting really off in that spa video. She talks all the time about how she doesn’t like alcohol and that she has safety concerns about her family yet here she is with her brother and about sucking up alcohol. 

It looks like he is trying to get away from her but she keeps grabbing him. Then she rushes him and he drops her. His posture is defensive the whole time. She looks like she wants his attention but he doesn’t want to give it, it looks like they know each other. 

Partassipant [1]

My old co-worker is a militant vegan. She only feeds her dog vegan food. She picked up a stray dog and immediately started feeding it vegan food. Poor dude uncontrollably shit his brains out for at least a month. He finally got used to the food and it kind of cleared up, but not completely. She picked up another stray and had the same issue. According to her they had an illness. Couldn’t be the food. The food is perfect. The vegan vet said so. 

While I recognize that dog CAN survive on vegan food, they are for sure omnivores and should be given a varied diet. Let’s be real, kibble probably isn’t good for them either. My ol’ lady developed all kinda of stomach problems and I gave up trying dry food and switched to cooking for her. For me, it costs less per month than the dry food did, plus she feels a lot better.  I would absolutely give her a bite of a hot dog though, dogs love hot dogs. Worrying about giving them organic grass-fed pea protein kind of stuff is weird. They will eat unidentifiable things they find in a random bush. 

Partassipant [1]

I would be so thrilled if my son thought to find out what kind of coffee I like and got me some. If not, a card would be cool. Or just acknowledge me by saying “hey” or something. Really, anything. I would be upset if he spent money on me because he should be using his money to live his life. 

NTA. People who want expensive things and who demand attention on FB need help. They are living for the attention, which is weird.