I was watching a body cam video, and a cop got censored when he told a driver she was headed down a dead end road. The subtitles even said “d**d end road.”

“That’s a lot of money back now.”

I remember this trailer from my VHS copy of Robot Jox.

Your post just made me crave pizza rolls and Jolt.

Magic Johnson came out as HIV positive back when it was still a death sentence. I would have never believed that he would still be alive in 2024, that would have sounded crazy back then.

There’s an old story about a Pankration match (sort of an Ancient Greek precursor to MMA), where one of the fighters was in a fatal choke hold, and rather than submit, he used his last bit of strength to grab and break his opponent’s toe. His opponent immediately submitted and the fighter was declared the winner, even though he was now dead.

Could be bullshit, but I still like the story.

The child actors playing the other children were not great, they probably would’ve benefited from the motivation.


If you know how bad her injuries were, you start to realize something about the narrative doesn’t add up. People spill coffee on themselves EVERYDAY, and almost none of them require hospitalization, much less a damn skin graft.

Okay, you contradicted your self immediately by repeating disproven misinformation.

The car was not moving. It was parked and she was in the passenger seat.

And it’s worth pointing out that people spill coffee on themselves all the time without getting 3rd degree burns. Coffee is not supposed to be served “boiling” and this particular McDonald’s had been warned that they were serving coffee too hot before.

You should really look into the case more. I used to feel the same way as you, but there’s a lot of information out there that changed my mind.

A Cry in the Dark (1988)

I just watched it for the first time earlier this year after only knowing passing details about the whole story. I thought it was a good movie and it had an interesting format, with how it kept cutting to random Australians talking and arguing about the case as it unfolded. Sam Neil plays her husband.

And get really pissed when the charity stops giving away the free ice cream, and rant about how unfair it is.

That'll replace the whale in my nightmares!

Dud my ass, it’s probably Milhouse.

That’s a cast of sitcom all-stars.

RIP Sneezy Snitterman

I drove past there right after they gutted the place, and saw a bunch of theater seats left out in the trash. I was exited about the idea of having genuine movie theater seats in my house for like a second before I remembered…

That'll replace the whale in my nightmares!


Always happy to get this song stuck in my head

That'll replace the whale in my nightmares!

Bush Sr was actually the Director of the CIA in 1976.

The Simpsons has taught me more factoids than any mere school ever could.

That'll replace the whale in my nightmares!

Now I’m gonna grab me something sweet.

Even if you know a lot of music, you still don’t know most bands. There’s just that much music out there.