Mods, bring us the SAMMELTHREAD

There is bone regrowth research, but it is more based around the antlers of deers and other avenues

Warum redet hier niemand über die 750! Fahrradplätze😭

Natürlich ist die Aussage besser 😂 AFD is ne Partei die man wegen seiner Meinung/Überzeugung etc wählt und und Ausländer sind je nach Heimatland bis zu 99% der Weltbevölkerung

You don't need their cups, they accept any cup which holds the required mount

Hamburg (Germany)

Pretty similar in germany to be honest, the last 15 years where just one fucked up corruption scandal chasing the next

Feuerwehreinsatz wird auch oft gesagt wenn jemand vor die Gleise gesprungen/gefallen ist

Ne, tatsächlich ca gleich viele, kommt drauf an wo du in der Stand bist, sehen aber auch recht ähnlich aus

Please don't drop syringes! At least take out the needle, a dog or little kid could step on it

I would prefer the shower in 10/10 cases. Imagine comming home from a day in the fields, full of mud and someone wants you to sit in a tub of water to soak in the dirt.

G. Hinton says AI language models aren’t predicting next symbol, they are reasoning and understanding, and they’ll continue improving

Hamburg (Germany)

I do see the ironie, but they are not exactly the same, that's why we have different words for it. Lobbyism is a form of corruption but on a larger scale and involved in high bussiness and politics.

Than you need a good reason for that. Adaptation, protorace etc...

If you use TKinter try using TTKBootstrap, it has more options and a modern GUI

Hamburg (Germany)

Veeeeeery similar but not the same. Corruption is on a personal scale, lobbyism is systemic.

Try to consume it as an eddible, the pain relieve will last longer and it isn't as stigmatized as smoking. You could also try cbd only