:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Never played or well seen him before just saw alot of people hyped for him, and he looks so incredibly plain idk why people love him so much

Facepalm aka american politics circlejerk lol

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Okay usually DC people are wrong, but modern jp ,I can see why, that shit would break even most sane man lol

Black sails season 3 EP 7 100%

Blizu je season 3 EP 1 samo zbog Blackbeard scene

Gotta hold your phone normally to chat , holding it side ways make chat dogshit

The "even when I do learn all that training becomes button mashing in real matches" part was me with street fighter combos , and still is with new ones. But only way to solve that is to go online and fail and fail and fail until you do it, first couple times you do it and then you'll gain confidence over time and they will land more and more until it's second nature.

It really works that way cus last week I couldn't even do one chun li combo and up until today I could do it only on training room, and now I'm actually landing it in game, in real matches , after only landing a couple this morning. So it truly is snowball effect of landing couple times and then just becoming second nature

Lmao kinda like anime characters transformations being hype first couple times and then becoming just a part of their moveset

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Exactly , they say themselves "inputs and combos are easiest part of the game" so that means anyone can learn them. Which only emphasizes the point of what kind of mentality picks the controls that don't have to learn that easy stuff .

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

I hope you get some backbone and stop playing with training wheels

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

If you're playing the game properly you shouldn't lose to someone with macro for combo is a take I never knew I would hear lmao

You can protect your modern players whos fingers are too fat or small to do normal inputs all you want doesnt make them any more skilled. I'm done interacting with the "you just need to get better, not the players that use macros cus they aren't smart enough to play normally " thread

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

It's always funny to me how my mindset it the bad one and not the people skipping part of the game cus they are too lazy to learn lmao

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Yes me not liking modern is scrubby rather than people refusing to learn "easiest part of the game" that is inputs, sf6 is my first street fighter too, I played abit of 5 but couldn't do inputs so I gave up cus I didn't wanna learn. So it's definitely possible for new players to learn inputs, and if they and combos are as easy as you say, there shouldn't be any need for modern.

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Nah I just don't fight modern players, I'll rather lose points than lose my sanity fighting people who don't respect the game enough to play properly

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Aimbot aims for you Modern does combos for you

Same thing

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

It doesn't matter if they are easier part of the game or if they don't do optimal dmg

It's like playing a shooter with aimbot and saying "aiming is easy, decision making is harder part"

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

When you need game to do combo for you yes it does diminish your skill

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

I'm bad so I do lose to them, but even playing against them gets me mad. Usually when I play against people I can atleast compliment some of their gameplay and that keeps me chill. But then I go against a modern player and what am I supposed to compliment to not get mad lmao? Nice 1 button dp? Oh such a nice lvl 3 autocombo you killed me with. I'm fine with modern but keep it out of ranked atleast. "But the game isn't the inputs it's the mind games" it is inputs and mind games, if it was just mind games this would be chess

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Aside for some pros and small amount of players that swap to classic , modern players will quit fast cus picking modern shows you're not willing to learn, and once you cubrstomp your way through silver they are gonna get their ass handed to them, and just quit cus they aren't winning with no effort anymore. I would rather less players than modern players. Especially now that they influence how characters can play on classic cus it isn't compatible with their baby controls otherwise

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Just don't accept wifi, I do sometimes when I'm bored of wifi popping up for 10th time and I always regret it , it's just not worth it

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Its kinda selfish expecting people to play like that just cus you wanna play

Nioh 2

What is vampires least favorite food? A steak

:Ryu: OD Donkey kick enthusiast

Bison my favorite after seeing these cus I fking hate juri

Daren is vesemir from witcher 3 and hadrik is zoltan lmao