How do those countries that view the U.S. unfavourably as a result of Cold war interventionism view the Russians/Soviets? Presumably also unfavourably? 

Most of the people he beats up are poor henchmen though, just trying to make an honest living taking on odd-jobs like poisoning an entire city's water supply. 

Are you sure it's a joke? There are other versions of this where tankies legit think that places like Cuba are paradise. 

All of those qualities have existed in conservatism, but they are not alone in having had them. Historically, plenty of fucked up shit has happened under the progressive impulse, the most extreme of which would be every colonial empire for millenia "civilizing the barbarians", as well as atrocities committed under authoritarian utopian ideologies such as communism. Groups them redefine themselves to no longer include such things just as conservatism no longer advocates for a return to the kind of hierarchical society that includes chattel slavery.  

Progressives are the gas pedal, but that also means it's really important to be sure the car is facing in a direction that's beneficial to the society as a whole. 

They are totally valid. The dichotomy is not so much black&white/good&bad, but more like Yin and Yang. 

Conservatives in the UK aren't doing the one thing that's supposed to be their job. Which is to be the bulwark against some of the more insane policies that come out of liberals, in their case, mass migration. 

Even if that were true I'm not sure how that's relevant to the state of the country given they've been out of power for awhile. The liberals up north have been in control for nearly a decade, and now the whole country looks like California, but without the good weather or tech industry.  Insane housing bubbles, extremely high taxes, difficulty getting a job for young people, breakdown of social order, homelessness, etc. 

The country is basically a cautionary tale against the entire notion of "President Newsom". Without any help from the CPC/PPC. 

You're really saying this under a comment about Canadian politics lol. Maybe get an update on the last 8 years. 

Not just now. Look up Marx's "On the Jewish Question".

Here's an exerpt:  “What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.”

We have to vote for the corpse to save democracy. It'll be fine though because he's not even really running anything and it'll all be unelected staff and cabinet members along with all the bureaucrats in federal agencies controlling everything anyway. For democracy! 

They don't want the logical solutions though. Why did the "Greens" kill nuclear? As much as people who support them want to shout Russia-this and Russia-that, they seem to conveniently ignore the mountain of examples that a lot of these groups are funded by Russia.  

If these people are actually environmentalists, Putin is the Greatest environmentalist since Nixon. 

Ah yes, I see I forgot to include the "M" Melanin Constant in my calculations.

Seriously, though, can these people please write out an actual formula with assigned values so we can figure this out ourselves? 

Doesn't the fact that they're a larger minority count against them more than the minority minority for oppression points? Somebody give me a hand understanding here I took regular courses that I thought would be useful in a real job and never took wokenomics. 

Ironically, there's still plenty of legacy admissions, so, actually, if your grandfather DID take a spot from an otherwise more deserving candidate because of past racist policies, you're more likely NOT to be the one "paying the bill". 

By this definition, white people in Texas cannot be racist, as the state is now majority Hispanic. If you insist on using national demographic statistics for your arguments, answer why we couldn't draw the lines a bit narrower at the state level? If we must expand wider, why stop at the national level instead of worldwide? 

This is just demonstrably untrue. 2020 had some of the highest levels of part switchers as voters in modern American history. 

Yeah, you're right about Marx, he definitely wasn't dog-whistling....

“What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.”

Yeah, it has. It's no longer explicitly right-wing. 

It was never exclusively right-wing, but generally the right was more explicit, yes. 

Maybe I've just become incredibly cynical over the last decade or so, but I'm not even sure they do. I'm sure they regret not plugging a different establishment candidate earlier, but guys like Bernie/RFK/etc were never going to be allowed to be that close to real power. Biden was the perfect guy for this strategy until last week, if it all could've been kept under wraps they'd have 4 more uninterrupted years of a rubber-stamp for a president.      

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, If they do insist on preventing any candidate who runs on anything resembling a fundamental change in how this system works for working people in a desperate bid to maintain control, they will lose to the guys who want to "burn it down".  

There are massive swathes of the country that have been getting ground down for decades, they've finally said "enough!", and I don't think it's a coincidence that we've even started to see the Democrats begrudgingly adopting more of Trump's populist economic policy which actually does have incredible appeal.  

There are also a number of issues Liberal parties across the West have fallen as far out of alignment with public opinion on as Republicans have with abortion, immigration is probably chief among them. A majority of Hispanic-Americans literally now favor Trumpian mass deportation policies. It's a massive dropped ball for Dems to have such a failed policy as to push public sentiment that far down on this issue. Now I'm not saying the Democrats have to go that far, but they definitely need to move a lot further in that direction than they have been in recent years. 

Democrats need to wake up to the fact that Hispanic-Americans are Americans, and Americans don't want to see what we've seen the last few years, and you're not going to win them over anymore by pandering to them with a pro-migration stance and trotting out a few Congress members to say a couple of words in Spanish.

No. It's because they don't want Sanders. Democrats locked themselves into Biden for the same reason they ended up with Hillary. They thought they had a free win so they ran someone that doesn't have all that much popular appeal so that they don't have to actually change anything. 

They figured they were always going to run this campaign as a referendum on Trump, and not on their candidate anyway so it wouldn't matter all that much who it actually was. 

Their plan was to do a minimal amount of high-profile live appearances, a bunch of recorded stuff, then just gaslight everybody into believing that actually they'd been seeing him a ton and he was all over the place. Also, anyone disagreeing was far-right, Russian, or a Trump-apologist, even though there have been Democrat party members and staffers calling this out as an issue as far back as 2019.