Cómo que las minas cagan? No me mates la ilusión!

Ok, i didn't though about that. I'll give it a try.

I would love to make upgrades to my printer but since i live in Argentina, there are no pieces like that and if i order online, the price doubles for all the taxes

I'll check that out. It's something that started doing today, was working fine yesterday. Thanks for the advice!

Sou argentino. Meu português é muito ruim! Kkkkk. Estou praticando para voltar!!!

Alguém conhece un morador da rúa chamado Graffitti?Dúvidas

Em 2018 conhecí Rio pela primeira vez e fiqué namorado de la cidade, cultura, a gente!!! Eu sonho com morar lá.

Uma noite eu fiquei bêbado, sai do bueno, comprei mais cerveijas e me sentei con Graffitti a falar da vida. Ele me contou sua historia e por que é um morador da rua.

Um papo muito interessante e penso o que foi dele.

Ele ficaba no Largo do Machado, perto do hotel Petit Río.

Oh, i thought you mean which software. The slicer software tells the printer how the filament has to move to create the piece you want. There, you set up the speed it'll move, the temperature, the walls, thickness, supports... There are a lot of options you'll need to try so you can understand which combinations works best for you

I'll have that in mind, so when i have no more space i'll check what to do with it. I thought when the moment comes i will look on Reddit whats users do with the waste lol

Extra quality ain't an option with the low quality plastic stored

So, potentially, we are 3D printers. Now i understand that i don't have a tiny weenie, but a 0.4 nozzle

Coincido en esto. Los cambios se hacen de forma gradual hasta que se hace un hábito. No se da de un día para el otro, porque no se va a hacer sostenible en el tiempo. Tené en claro tu objetivo, pero dividi-lo en partes mas chiquitos y alcanzables para que en el momento tengas la sensación de haber logrado lo que te propusiste

That's what i need to know, if you used tree support and how you clean it without breaking it. Looks great!

Tengo 20 personas a cargo y la falta de compromiso por parte de algunos hace que no se llegue a los objetivos. Ya tuve charlas, tanto hacia estas personas como hacia mi jefe y entendí que todas las empresas tienen cagadas en mayor o menor medida y que depende que hoy por hoy la gente (no todos) no busca hacer las cosas de la mejor manera, solo hacer el mínimo esfuerzo posible para sacarse una tarea de encima y se patea el problema lo mas posible. Puede ser frustrante, pero ahora tomo el laburo como una fuente de ingreso fijo mientras desarrollo mi propio emprendimiento

No me molesta pagar, pero veo la actitud de la persona en el momento. Me ha pasado de salir con minas que querían dividir y otras que invitaron, que no me parece mal y no me hace sentir menos pero tampoco voy a ser cajero automático de nadie solo para estar acompañado

I've started one month ago. I've never had any experience with 3D printers. I'm excited since i can replicate some items i saw months ago on Pinterest or youtube, so that keeps me motivated. It also can be frustrating until you find out what works for your printer. Another person can have the exact model but what works for them, may not work for you, so you'll need lots of patience but when you achive a piece that you like, you'll see it was worth it. What i didn't expect was that some pieces takes too much time, even days. Lots of work with bed calibration and slicing software , understanding temperature, supports, etc. Sounds like a lot at the beggining but everything takes time to be learned so enjoy the learning more than the final result. I've spend my first 1kg filament roll just to learn about what parameters works best for me, só practically it was a 75%/80% failed pieces. But what is awesome to me is the help that the users of Reddit gave me. I hope my comment helped you, based on my short experience.

At the very beginning it was so frustrating. Lots of failures, i even used a whole 1kg filament roll just to learn about the printing mistakes. A lot of people here in Reddit help me out so i can keep on learning, on this r/ and on the one for my printer. Don't be afraid of asking, everyone is willing to help with their own experience. Just take those "mistakes" as a part of the learning experience

I've done that for myself. A lot of friends saw it and want one too

Thanks for the advice! The only mod i've done so far was an extruder chance because stock was drifting. I'll keep on trying new configs since i'm still learning

Wow, really? I thought being slow will give more detail as many users recomended