My childhood home has a septic tank and we always flushed our used tp with no issues whatsoever. We lived in a rural community and none of my friends houses stored their used tp either everybody I've ever known with a septic tank flushes tp

Edit: the wipes thing is common knowledge but I've never personally known anyone who doesn't flush their TP lol

Uhh my parents have lived in the same house with septic for 30+ years and have always flushed TP with no issues arising from it. We're in Canada but I can't imagine septic systems being drastically different in the states to the point where you can't flush toilet paper

i'm gonna point the cam at my penis because i look like shit ok?

I quote this line to my friends on a regular basis lol

The basic rule is never flush anything down the toilet that’s doesn’t come directly, uhh, from you

When I was a kid I thought this meant he had a rule against flushing toilet paper.

... and that's not the case, right??

Did you type "they're" on purpose? If so, that's really funny lol

I thought that joke was really funny until they revealed it was a scheme, that was super lame

No, that's definitely the joke lol some of us just don't find it suiting or all that funny

I always thought it was really ironic how they turned him into a caricature after Micheal told him not to be a caricature lol


The concept of Kenny vs Spenny being about one guy with two names genuinely made me laugh

Roleplayin’ chatroom

Huh so it is two words

He's a cop, the reason he's such a shitty decoy is because they decided to just use law enforcement for that sting. Makes sense but yeah not the best choice for someone who's supposed to look thirteen

He was selling fireman benefit concert tickets over the phone to a customer and called her Kayla. She said what did you call me? He said whoops I'm sorry I was thinking about my G/F and got lost for a minute lol she laughed about it lol