Commission NG in ColoradoCareer Advice

I'm a prior service cadet, currently enrolled in ROTC. After quite some time thinking, I've decided that going into the National Guard is best for my goals and plans. Thing is, how do you reach out to a unit? I'm coming near the end of my MSIII year, but I want to get a heads-up on that process. I'm not from Colorado, but I've been looking to serve there when I enlisted.

Does anyone have any idea just how you apply for a position with a guard unit? Last I recall I were to reach out to a HRC rep and see if any LT positions were available. Thank you!

First sparring session. I got WHOOPED. Got any Tips?

Hey yall! I did my first sparring session today and got whooped. I was the only girl there (21F) and everyone else there was grown men between 25 - 35. Needless to say I got a few bloody noses and prob a bruise on my cheek. They weren’t going full force on me (I think? Coach said “not too hard.” But I got some good ones lol) cuz it’s the first time I’ve sparred in 3 years. Nonetheless, I’m not scared to get hit and I went 6 rounds before everyone ran out of time.

Many takeaways: I’m one dimensional in my defense. I just move forward and back, and for some reason I’m having a really hard time working on my footwork. My last round, however, there was major improvement in terms of violence of action. Another thing - I need to be more committed to my punches. That, and I gotta work on combos.

Got any tips for my footwork? I’ve got some drills to start, but if anyone has anything that will help, let me know! I want to get better! Plus, I ain’t scared of fighting, and I wanna give these grown ass men a run for their money.

Thank you!

Possibly finishing my kit…but no one to climb with.

So, someone offered me a trad rack (13 cams, and about 11 chocks) for $700. Half the gear is unused, the other has been used max 3 times with no falls. Cams are really the some of the last items on my list.

I’ve been trying to slowly build my kit, but it’s expensive and I’m happy I’ve got the ability to get something like that trad kit (I haven’t bought from yet, so what do you guys think? A steal?). Thing is, I’ve gone climbing and mountaineering before a couple times, and I LOVE it. But, I have no one to go with. Is it worth setting up my own kit right now? Any advice?

Thank you!

Lightpole Strategy is shuffle 2mins and walk 1 right? I'll definitely implement it more! Thank you!

Mountain Warfare School in June!

I'm heading to Vermont in the Summer. My avg pace going on uneven and hilly terrain was between a 15:40-1640 last 7ish mile ruck I did. I've got 6 weeks to train up. I'm just nervous because I worry about being one of the only women there, and my biggest worry is falling behind in rucks. Knots I'll be fine - I am familiar with almost all of them (climbing and mountaineering). Any tips on the rucks? Any advice (and experiences) are appreciated!

Thank you!


I’ve been doing my best to reach out to the LGBT Community with this information so they can also experience Christs love. It’s nuts how nobody wants to really study…

Thank you for the clarification! It’s just crazy how many people read to read, and not study to learn.

I do not, but I’ve moved all around growing up and come from a very Italian, East-Coast Catholic family (off the boat from Sicily Italians, haha).

Being Bi and Catholic is…hard.Personal Story

I’m proud to say that I am comfortable and secure with my relationship to Christ. I am no better than the person to my left and my right, but being bi and Catholic freakin sucks sometimes. More so because of…people. I’m 21 (F) and I’m dating a wonderful, hardworking person (23 F/NB). We are both very spiritual with each other, pray together, and so on. But lately all these Christian’s quoting verses on me has me feeling worn down. All these people saying I’m damned for eternity, I’m on the highway to Hell, or just being called slurs or an “abomination,” by so-called “Christians.” Truly, with my own research, I’ve made conclusions about the most common verses thrown at me:

When it comes to 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, if God wanted to make sure that we knew homosexuality was a sin, God would have inspired Paul to coin the word "homosexuality" instead of arsenokoitai (which is Greek for "man" and "bed" | believe). Then God would have clearly defined the word through Paul as "two men or two women living in a same-sex committed relationship." But neither Paul nor God defined the term arsenokoitai, which could really be pointed at the common sexual practices at the time, not two gay individuals in a relationship. Paul's agenda was to name the abuse of sexual slavery and sexual abuse by heterosexuals as a sin because it does not follow Jesus' command to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself. So such a quote can actually be pointed at sexual abuse of a man onto another man, or prostitution. Same with Leviticus - the word for Wife and Woman were similar in the original text, so one can say that "a man shall not lie with a man as with a woman," is pointing towards adultery, because it was believed that sodomy wasn't sex, so such wasn't cheating.

But ya know, it’s draining. I’m tired of people telling me I’m an abomination. While I feel secure with my relationship to Christ, the anxiety sets, and I feel uncomfortable going to Church - like I’m a stain on a cleaned glass mirror. While I’ve made my conclusions actually studying the Bible, I do my best to share so that other LGBT individuals can experience the love of Christ.

It’s just hard, and I’ve noticed it’s starting to take a toll on my mental health with how much hate I’ve received. But, Jesus loves me, and all his children. All this “judge righteously” garbage - who are they to judge my relationship with Christ based off the people I love? I know the difference between love vs lust, and some people trying to preach to me are the biggest hypocrites there are.

Anyways, here is my word-dump. Happy Easter, He has Risen! God Bless.

Maybe take a look at your boots? If you have partial flat feet, maybe look into a pair of inserts. I used to have huge issues running and rucking and would end up with shin and hip injury - if its around for you, A Snails Pace running store will customize inserts. As for boots, I LOOOOVE the Belleville Light Assaults. My boots used to give me insane problems and now I have virtually none at all.

Keep rucking and give ample time for recovery. Start light and short distance, and keep increasing. Recovery is huge.

Totally random to message, but I’ve got almost every week to sparring and I’m seeing hella improvement! Guards and footwork have improved, and once I finally stopped thinking, I was performing. Just wanna say your advice helped!

While I’ve never boxed in a competition-sense, I’ve been in plenty situations with my job and other experience where it was me vs. them. Nerves are shaken, but two things really helped me overcome such obstacles: Determination, and Violence of Action. You are there to stop your opponent. They are probably just as nervous as you! Breathe, focus, and throw every punch with intent, aim, and throw it hard! You got it! :) 🥊

Last year dates released between March and May. Think that’s the same for this year?

You’re right - I gunned it at the start and didn’t allow myself to build up. The way the comp was built was we had very specific training days, and with my schedule I didn’t squeeze time to begin my progression. Thank you!

Thank you! I’ll def try to incorporate this in my routine. I appreciate it.

I noticed my failure in allowing myself to rest. With my schedule I’m always busy or doing something, but I need to allot more time to rest physically and mentally. Thanks for your insight, I appreciate it!

Don't worry, I've gone again and again haha. Best lesson is when its happening ig

For sure. I do some private lessons with my coach so I was able to see what I was doing and what I need to do. If I am able to get a video of myself, I'll post for more tips. Thanks!

From my experience cutting, an extreme calorie deficit will make you store any and all food regardless of what it is. For your protein shakes, use water if you use milk. I found that helped me cut pretty well. Use a sauna suit and just sweat it all out as well - do a workout routine in a sauna suit and you’ll shred water weight like no tomorrow.

Now, a few years ago I had to cut weight to meet 150 for military processing. I was 153. This is gonna sound awful, but I basically took a laxative the night before and lost 4 lbs. I personally wouldn’t recommend, but desperate times call for desperate measures I guess haha.

Thanks! I’ll for sure check it out. May take a week from sparring to really work on footwork before I jump back in. Was certainly intimidating being the only girl fighting very experienced dudes, but I was able to relax and accept getting hit, which improved my performance near the end.

Just today I got my ass whooped in sparring, and I haven’t sparred in years but trained different martial arts. I was confident in myself and my abilities, and I got shit on (as the only woman too! All of them were grown men, and they were going pretty moderate on me). But there’s a lot of learning to be made after sparring! There’s always something you can improve, and this is a sign to do the opposite of quit. Get up, try again. Sometimes it’s just not your day. Shoot, today was certainly not mine, but don’t quit.