Ooof, tail down! Sweet pic tho.

Their quality and value have been going down steadily since 2020. Honestly, I’m surprised they are still in business. And like others have said, the workers, management, and owners simply do not care. All I need from them at this point is to know how they make their braised egg.

This is the real question.

[Recruiting] [Code: Y5G3Q6AV][Recruiting]

Want some stuffs to help you along your new player jouney?

Head over to and under Registration Codes, select Enter Recruitment Code, then enter Y5G3Q6AV. *This must be done after owning a copy of the game but before you set up your subscription. Rewards include, XP Buff Circlet, 99 Aetheryte Tickets allow for free teleports, Silver Chocobo Feathers allowing you to buy exclusive cool items, and Fist Bump Emote. Enjoy and welcome to FFXIV!

[Recruiting] [Code: WEE2KHWN][Completed]

Want some stuffs to help you along your new player jouney?

Head over to and under Registration Codes, select Enter Recruitment Code, then enter WEE2KHWN. *This must be done after owning a copy of the game but before you set up your subscription. Rewards include, XP Buff Circlet, 99 Aetheryte Tickets allow for free teleports, Silver Chocobo Feathers allowing you to buy exclusive cool items, and Fist Bump Emote. Enjoy and welcome to FFXIV!

I leveled 50 weapons last week in ESO. If I run zone 1-2 with only secondary and melee equipped with S rating, it will level both from 0 to 30. But if I score less than S, it will take me 3+ runs to do the same thing - depending on the score. So when leveling that many weapons for MR fodder, it makes a difference unless I don't care about my time. Thank you for your feedback!

I "actually care" because the higher the teir the faster I level my weapons. It's the only reason I run ESO.

This week's ESO Map- what's the secret?Discussion

I have ran other ESO maps and do great but this week'd first map is stubborn. I've tried my nuke frames, have ran with a plethora of different team compositions.. but for the life of me, I can't score S on zone 1. Is there some hidden room or something that I could be missing?

Right? I mean, there'd be no player market if people didn't buy plat.

This has always been imo the biggest issue with the game. The onboarding experience is so insanely jarring for new players. I'm not sure how it is now with that new start rogue-lite thing, as I started just a few months before the first railjack update.

I started about 8-9 weeks ago - it is still the most jarring and disconnected game I've ever played. Also, it isn't an "issue," it's a business design by choice to take money from unsuspecting new players.
I am loving the game though.

Cross Play means that you can play with other players who are using a different system than you (XB, Switch, PS, PC, etc)

Cross Save means that you can play on (example) PC at your desk, but then log out, climb into bed, and lay there playing your same account on a Switch. It cross saves so that you can access the same account but on different systems.

edit to add: You do not need to "set up" anything to cross play (it is a setting in your options)

I never did. I unplugged and uninstalled everything.

Nah, it was just your Internet (well, that’s what DE would say)

100% same here. Seriously, 100s from just farming Zariman.

You can drop a distiller on Zariman in hopes of getting them. I've gotten them sucessfully so I know it's possible.

This is not correct.. at least, not any longer. There is no "locking" of the loot pool from original bounty obtained within the Necrolisk. Maybe this changed with Whispers update but as of tonight, it doesn't work this way. Only replying for those just happening across this post/reply.

NO! I think the new system is a scam just the same as the mod one (dissolve 4 unwanted mods for a chance at a mod you may want).

[LFC] [PC] [NA]Looking for Clan

Looking for a clan that is a good fit. My checklist:





Anti hate (everything)

A clan name that doesn't imply that a 15 year old leads it.

About me:

I'm over 40, play nearly every day, and imbue common sense.

Excapt that if this person isn't even on SP yet, who knows all the content they haven't completed yet and if the "public" railjack sessions are to places only obtained after certain quests, then this guy is shit out of luck. I only mention because the wife tried to do "public" and couldn't join anything

As a super new player to the game - I really wish I knew what all the lingo meant in the comments as the comments could be so very useful to new players like me.


Looks like noone provided a solution to the issue reported by another and the OP. Lovely because I, too, am so annoyed by this that I'm about to throw my stream deck out the window and uninstall anything related to their ridiculous software.Note: The first and only solution answer is worthless since I don't even have "Streamlabs" installed so no way to disable something that doesn't exist in my startup tab.

This is a great tool. Do you think you'll be updating it to reflect the changes that Blizzard made? It has a clear warning on the tool that it is outdated.