I litterally had a nightmare about this last night

This unfortunatly is a thing in most cities. At least on Sjælland

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You should have said: Are you from Massachusetts? Cause i would like to mass a huge shit on your chest

Its just something he made up because he feels insecure about discovering them on GTA V

Oh i didnt hear about that. But its no suprise, the guy was a massive dick

I think from Listening to merle or one of his other friends, they said that people thought this lady was SA’d by him and his friends because she was a relatively normal looking office worker and she got hurt after asking him to do some bondage stuff to her. But apparently it was consentual. Im not entirely sure where i heard this or who said it but it was an interview on youtube

Didnt the SA get debunked or did he actually do it?

You need to listen to Aisha Quandisha by Taqbir

I think its just called “lots of new hairstyles”

Oh okay that makes way better sense. You are ofcourse still completely in the clear here as your intentions was never to cheat but just to make friends. Im sure if it is brought up at any point that your bf will understand and not think about any deeper

For me, any sort of masking goes right out the door as soon as i drink. Which sucks cause im always really embarrased the next day

Yeah that makes sense. You’re all good. Like no worries. If i was you i would just unblock him and text him that it was meant for his friend jess. You did nothing wrong but i know just how out there hangxiety (and anxiety in general) can get. But for real you have nothing to worry about and you did nothing wrong

So let me get this straight. No judgement whatsoever. You are freaking out because you sent a message to the wrong person?

Based ai som respekterer andre folks religioner

But strategically, would it not be better to wait for her to just leave him so he would have a higher chance of getting full custody?