Not objectively but many people have convinced themselves otherwise. I don't know when exactly it started, possibly as an overcorrection to the Islamophobia post-911, but that demographic was included in universal support. People have been watering down their anti-progressive views on social media for ages now.

Opposing the west (especially the USA, the supposed source of all imperialism and wrongs in the world) is the greatest onus to most far lefties. It informs more and more of said constellation. Palestine is currently the most blatant opposition/victim/resistance force (whatever one might call it) of the west, thus for now it's the popular rallying point.

Very selective and often weaponized "empathy". Empathy for those who align with their constellation of beliefs, loathing and attacks on those who differ from the groupthink, what is morally righteous to them, even slightly. Just have to avoid becoming an extremist on either end, but a lot of it falls down social pipelines. Hard to take a step back and evaluate when you've committed so much of your personality and community reliance on a strict ideology.

They'd just not believe that number is correct, no?

I heard the council has gathered to consider adding P for Palestinians.

Fuck, I lost the bet. I had my money on B's going first. That erasure sure is taking its time.

Yes, getting jumped is unfortunate, but look what he was wearing. A Kohl's polo shirt... and did you see how short his khakis were? He was practically BEGGING for it.

Hearing the special boy whining about his special day being ruined just reminded me of that one old Lesley Gore song.

"It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to! Cry if I want to, cry if I want to! You would cry too if it happened to you!"

Yeah, you could kinda hear her muffled shouting and banging in the background sometimes, though at the time it didn't have an obvious explanation.

Soon it's gonna be a Where's Waldo scenario where part of the fun is tracking down Destiny.

If you drink martinis definitely go shaken, not stirred.

I assumed it was just going to be Destiny's chair.

In the NATO Founding Act 1997, Russia agreed to NATO expansion. Multiple instances over history of Russia signing off that countries are sovereign and can freely choose their foreign policy. Individual Allies cannot make agreements on NATO’s behalf, so it's literally just a moot talking point.

Ukraine was not making progress toward anything concrete when it comes to membership. And if they take Ukraine, they've /even more/ NATO presence around them. It's just an awful, awful justification for conquest on so many levels.

I can't find this note. Did it get removed or something?

Monkey in Space

"Why do I care about what's going in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And why shouldn't I root for Russia? Which I am." - Tucker Carlson, Fox News

You're hitching your cart to a man whose legal defense in court was he's an entertainer, likely not to be taken seriously. Also was likely booted from his network for being such a liability. Whatever floats your boat tho!

I typically prefer a giant red circle but I will let it slide. This time.

I would just let it go. She's probably having an anxiety attack trying to get the last word. Definitely not a healthy convo.

Guaranteed she's hammering F5 right now, salivating to break out chapter 3 of her trauma memoirs, instead of actually going to bed. :P

If some random weirdo talking about God taking copious dicks in his ass hasn't made SunnySpade a soc dem lib I dunno what will. We lost him, boys. :(

I feel like Cenk wouldn't ask Jesus, he'd just tell the man that he's Palestinian. When Our Lord and Savior denies it Cenk would grandstand in a mocking tone and call Jesus absurd.

You fired a wide net at "top comments" that both include and whose points are in alignment with many trans posters. If you wanted specificity of those ~horrifying~ comments, you easily could have achieved that, but instead you rolled in hot, vaguely castigating top comments (all the richer when you huff about negativity after). That's pretty much the definition of self-righteous moral outrage.

I suspect you didn't even read the OP and you'd have gone down this dialogue tree no matter what the top comments were. The existence of prejudice does not invalidate all analysis. Pretty much nobody treats medical procedures, especially highly invasive and permanent ones, as something that should be instantly validated and performed without discussion with health and safety professionals. OP was bursting with red flags. AGAIN, a view mirrored by many trans people in here who you're catching in your crossfire. Believe it or not but I commiserate with the struggle you went through, but your kneejerk indignation does not add to discourse.

Also, triggered? Slow down, buddy. You literally ran back to edit your post the next afternoon to be more aggressive. :P

Many of the top comments are from people who also claim to be trans. Why are you invalidating their perspectives as ignorant? You're not an authoritative voice any more than they are, but sure, enjoy your daily dose of moral outrage.

I am thankful the random who threw this together didn't use "Latinx".

Contrary this "normal" person's unhinged meltdown, you seem pretty well adjusted, bud. As part of everybody, I do not, in fact, hate you. :)