It's China's choice if they want to declare war on Taiwan. It's our choice to defend the ally which we've already guaranteed to defend.

I took it as meaning that they get to interact with more families who are in their homes. Noise complaints (that might be abuse) might go to them, stuff like that.

Right? She made a mistake, but to say she should've spent more time on that exact turn is the definition of hindsight 20/20.

Before that it was Ugandan knuckles "do you know the way?" Before that "yolo swag", and so on. Kids are gonna be kids.

I hate how EVERY generation always talks about how the older and younger ones both suck. I used to hope that millennials would understand this and break the cycle to try and be understanding of the "young kids", but comment threads like these remind me that it's always gonna be this way. Millennials hate boomers cause boomers are stubborn and refuse to understand them, and yet they go on to be stubborn and hate gen z. But of course it's different this time because of "insert reason here".

I hear ya. To be honest I don't usually see threads until they're at least a couple hours old. Looking at new threads seems like sorting through a lot of junk.

The real .01%ers couldn't climb mount Everest. Yes the Sherpas make it less challenging. Yes there's harder mountains out there. But I swear the impression from these threads is that the mountain is like a relaxing stroll, or that any moderately fit guy who hands over 50k can do it. It still requires years of training and an extreme level of fitness. It's not like someone who just hikes whatever 14'ers exist in their local area can jump to Mount Everest and succeed. At least that's my understanding of it, as someone who's only done a couple of those 14'ers in Colorado.

I think it comes from the fact that if something which everyone does has a 1 in a billion chance of a certain outcome, that means it probably has happened multiple times in the past. But as you mentioned, the chance of it happening specifically to a top speed runner is so low it's not even worth discussing.

I mean both of the crazy comments I saw were pretty down voted. The top comment I saw is many dozens to a couple hundred. That doesn't sound crazy to me.

This is a good answer imo, much better than modern day. 2000ish world would be using 25 year older equipment, significantly reduced internet capabilities, and as you mentioned, a much weaker Russia and China. I wouldn't be surprised if countries like China and Russia were still using equipment literally from the 50s, since that would be "only" 40-50 year old tech.

The US soldiers abroad would be a massive detriment imo. They're too scattered to survive. How is a few thousand or even tens of thousands of troops on a random base in Europe going to survive the entire rest of NATO? They'd get taken out so fast.

Can you clarify how 4 states each individually have a larger military than any other country? I assume that'd be California, Texas, New York, and Florida, but how in the world do any of those states by themselves have a better military force than the entirety of China for example?

Maybe a slightly more reasonable handicap is that it's the exact same, EXCEPT that he's aware of the handicap. So he knows that there's a mysterious pair of pieces that he can't understand, but he could also maybe deduce that his opponent is also not just hanging pieces and that it might be defended by this mysterious piece.

I agree with that. He's so loud and obnoxious and encourages this behavior. It sucks because I do like his companies, but he's just been getting more and more out of control.

Honestly my favorite thing would be if he just stepped down from these companies. Then we might get back on track to realizing that companies like Tesla and SpaceX are still good for the world instead of hearing about Elon wanting to live on Mars or whatever nonsense he's saying.

It's the reddit classic. Elon bad, therefore every company he owns and every action they do also bad. And I do honestly think Elon is bad, but hiveminds are really bad about being biased and going into something wanting to hate it.

It's also the only major conservative US news outlet on TV. There are multiple news networks on the left, so they have to share their audience more.

That's how I imagine Hei-Ran from the kyoshi books looked when she was slightly younger.

If we're being fully realistic, she'd probably try to hinder it locally, stop nearby buildings from collapsing, cover up sinkholes, etc. Despite her power, she can't stop an entire earthquake. For reference, even moderate earthquakes are more powerful than many nukes combined (source,equivalent%20yield%20of%202%2C000%20kilotons.). She'd need the power to earthbend entire tectonic plates.

Maybe the avatar state could do it though, like how kyoshi split the land and created kyoshi island.

But it does discredit the idea that "everyone who has kids knows this is bullshit". In reality, the parents can be affected by the idea of the myth, AND the kids can be experiencing a placebo themselves because they always hear about sugar rushes and stuff in movies/tv. So it's possible that the kids get a "sugar rush" and are more hyperactive just because of placebo, and even if not, the parents might anticipate it anyway and have confirmation bias.

Yea. Chesscom is actually inflated. Lichess is just more inflated.

If I had to guess, I'd say op is young like me. As a 26 year old, neither myself nor any of my friends are eligible for these plans. Which I get, but it still sucks. It's just such a massive step down from the generic 10-20k forgiveness that Biden originally tried to implement (until the supreme Court screwed everyone over).

78 gang rise up! I feel like once you're in the 80s you're at risk of tickets. Getting close to 80 mph while also staying (mostly) safe from speeding tickets is why I always set my cruise control to 78.,of%20its%20entire%20body%20length.

Yep, looks like that checks out. Triceratops are massive! And also with tusks and maybe even better armor. Not sure how an elephant could reasonably beat a T-Rex other than a very lucky hit. Imo T-Rex 9/10

Elon is truly the worst of what capitalism has to offer.

:EarthKingdom:RIP Jet

I like how civil y'all's discussion is. Respect both of y'all's opinions and am somewhere in the middle myself.