The problem is, if he doesn’t quit, it just makes him look even worse.

They need something guaranteed to force him out, or he needs a whirlwind turnaround, like YESTERDAY.

I’m glad to hear that, but good lord dude, wear a hat!

STL - NHL :60511:

Honestly, it was a toss up at times. Perron got much better with age which almost never happens. That first year in Vegas helped both him and Marchessault elevate their game to another level.

STL - NHL :60511:

Everyone liked Federov, he was super cool.

And he wore those white Nike skates.

STL - NHL :60511:

The night we won the Cup, he was celebrating in what appeared to be a purple suit.

Just the pants and jacket, no shirt.

He was absolutely shitfaced and really having some fun on the way home.

What was your reaction when the doctor told you that you had something in your ear? Did you immediately remember what happened, or did you have to wait until he removed it for it to jog your memory?

What made the prequel films so good is that you absolutely believe that Michael and James would grow up to be Ian and Patrick. It was an exceptionally difficult task to find another set of actors who can make that friendship feel so believable, and they pulled it off.

Torey Krug isn't the problem, Perunovich is the problem. He's a BIG problem.

Scott Perunovich has one massive problem with his game, and that is that he doesn't shoot the puck; EVER.

Last season, he literally shot the puck less than once per game. He still hasn't scored a goal in the NHL, and for a so-called 'offensive defenseman', that is completely unacceptable. The problem with a one-outcome player like that, is that EVERYONE on the ice knows what he's going to do when he has the puck so opponents just dare him to shoot, and he won't. I don't know WHY he won't shoot the puck (he has a pretty good shot), but until he starts shooting at the NHL level, he's pretty much useless to the Blues.

For people who think I'm overreacting, here are the average shots per game from a few elite defenseman in the league (just some examples):

  • Roman Josi 3.2 SPG
  • Cale Makar 3 SPG
  • Quinn Hughes 2.4 SPG

Perunovich HAS to shoot the fucking puck. He has to do better.

The Blues were literally the second best team in the entire league against the top teams in the league. The reason they failed was because they lost to teams like the Sharks, the Blues Jackets, etc as you mentioned. The reason I'm hopeful is because that is an easy problem to fix. It tells me that the talent IS there. With a new coaching staff, and the new additions we've made, I'm quite excited for next year.


I don’t think we’re going to miss the playoffs this year. If we were in the East as opposed to the West last year, we would have already been in, that’s how much of an improvement last season was, and I think this team is already better than last year.

Also, you say atrocious contracts, and I think you need to take a look around the rest of the league. Do the Blues have a few deals on the books that aren’t great; absolutely, every team does. But they certainly aren’t atrocious, nor do they prevent the team from contending.

Oh man, they're literally two perfect films for very different reasons. It's why Spielberg is the best; you could flip a coin for a choice like this. I would also say that Jurassic Park could be entered in this contest.

I'd probably say Raiders, simply because I love seeing Nazis get killed (these days more than ever).

Army is one of the best GMs in the business and we are so fortunate to have him here in St. Louis. This guy is smart, knows his team, and has his eye on the prize. All these clowns who want to fire him because he won't sign some UFA or make a trade should watch this and realize how lucky we really are because there are a LOT of teams with bad GMs, bad contracts who are in really bad shape out there.

If you're just asking for Dark Souls videos in general, then I have two great, very entertaining recommendations:

  • Anything Giant Bomb related (especially Vinny)
  • Jeff Green plays Dark Souls

Exactly what I've been thinking too. This country cannot survive another selfish politician putting themselves above the country when it matters most.

A defender delivers a flying dropkick in extra time and absolutely murders someone and they miss like 30 seconds in extra time, lol what a deal!