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So close to perfection they had room for one more line of text! :P jk I love this tho

Are the markers straight to your eye? Hard to tell in this pic. You still enjoying it?

99.9% of people don’t care and can’t tell quit worrying about this small stuff you’re going to get a hernia

What’s the cost of non reps for comparison? I’m new and surprised they can charge that much for rep

I did read the wiki, your wiki doesn’t explain all the visual data and the facts surrounding the sighting. Why would the US block access to cameras for other countries for their own drone?

You must be blind if you think the Honeywell drone looks the same as the jellyfish ufo in Afghanistan 2007. It was reported by the base as having some kind of payload too. You think they would misidentify their own drone?

Look at the 10th photo please, at the bottom line of the word Top Secret on the top of the document. Isn’t that line strange?

Anyone work in graphic design or know photoshop well enough to comment? On several of the headers (any large titles) there are suspicious crop marks it seems where the letters get cut off. Sometimes vertically sometimes horizontally for the entire word. I had to zoom in to max to see it. But I’m seeing that weird cropping in multiple places. I don’t know if that’s standard typewriter from back then, a digital artifact from scanning or the people editing it bumping clarity and contrast that led to it. Welcome any discussion. Thanks

Have any resources to point me to learn more about that lil guy?

Lmao new to Fromsoft? They put shit in the game for a reason. The real game starts in NewGame+

Bruh Ibis is cake with the right build! Try double shotguns and double Wormkiller Rods

Don’t change the name. Change the meaning. Your baby will fix that name. Another idea is to swap Rudolph for Rudolf spelling so it doesn’t come up in google. But I see your edit now and Valentino sounds cool :)

This stuff is the devil

There’s a way to use both lenses of regular 3D glasses as filters. Looking for source

Back and biceps, focus on isometric holds. It’s not the initial weight that’s heavy it’s holding them for a long time that’s tough.

increase your protein intake and try creatine to help with recovery and strength/soreness

Read as much as possible, they recognize your voice. Even over the phone would work I reckon. Contact naps are important too, they know the smell and feel of their favorite caretakers. This is just for the baby period. Up to 4 months or so. Then they will recognize people by faces and names. They will know the games you play with them vs mom plays with them

Snowpiercer for about 8 years lmao. It was jarring, one of the best fight scenes I’ve ever seen.