I hear you, but your analogy is a bit off. Buying a house isn't irreversible. You can sell a house. Maybe you lose some money, but you can't, like, never live in any other house ever again.

There were several weeks between my initially call and the actual procedure. Nothing about that was hasty, you can buy a car or get a tattoo in a fraction of that time and there is no mechanism for lawsuits because of buyers remorse.

The thing is, though, that several weeks isn't really much in the grand scheme of things. It's a particularly weird scenario because, yeah, you're not likely to go seek out a vasectomy if you have any doubts about it, but people's attitudes towards having kids can change a lot over years.

That's not to say that it's correct for doctors to refuse to do it, but just to point out that having someone wait for a few weeks doesn't exactly address the potential issue of regretting the decision down the line.

TBH I didn't really feel the urge to have kids at any point, but I was pretty sure I wanted to have kids at some point, and I knew that personality-wise it was unlikely I would ever feel like "okay, now is the time where kids make sense". It was just too abstract. In fact, I can't imagine having the hubris to ever think that you're ready to be a parent. It's been almost 10 years since we had our first and I still can't believe they let us just take this baby home from the hospital, no training, no credentials, no nothing, and be fully responsible for a human life. It's absolutely insane.

Only Texas? Have you ever been to the northeast? I drove from the Midwest into Maryland once and there were entire states (Pennsylvania) where the highway was down lanes with construction signs up and not a construction job in sight. They didn't even have any equipment out there, just cones.

This is a really interesting question. I would say that I don't think job tier is inherently important, however what job someone does is very likely indicative of other things that might be important. Like, my wife is amazing and I can't imagine that I would have felt any differently about her regardless of what job she was doing when I met her, but part of what made her so attractive to me is her drive and curiosity, and I have to admit that when we first started dating I read her job as a shorthand clue for that part of her personality.

If she had been working as a cashier or something at Walmart when we met that would not have bothered me per se, but at the same time it's hard to imagine what circumstances could exist where she would be doing that for any length of time just by virtue of who she is.

This also reminds me of a friend-of-a-friend who didn't really find his calling after college, and worked as a starbucks barista while he was trying to figure out what he wanted to actually do. He met his wife there as a coworker. She was in almost the exact same situation. They both ended up finding more traditional office career paths after a couple of years. They are both super cool people (and, incidentally, I think they're both very conventionally attractive people) who happened to work in a "low tier" job for a while, but it's hard to say whether they would be the same people and work well as a couple in the same way if they hadn't also moved on from that job.

Well that's a whole separate thing. As long as Reddit has existed people have suggested people end relationships for any and all transgressions.

That said, I've noticed a recent surge in stories from various subs similar to AITAH where the transgressions are so insane (whether from OP or from OP's partner) that it's difficult to understand how anyone would even question whether to end the relationship.

The relevant question underlying this is what was the mom like before the divorce? If she was not showing signs of being abusive or neglectful, it's not surprising to me that the court would go with shared custody. Typically, one parent is not going to get sole custody unless there's solid evidence that the other parent can't be trusted with custody.

I'm not an Ohio lawyer, but a quick search seems to indicate that the landlord has to provide "reasonable" notice before entering your dwelling absent an emergency (and 24 hours notice is presumed reasonable). (https://www.lascinti.org/wp-content/uploads/Landlord-unlawful-entry.pdf)

Granted, it doesn't look like the tenant has terribly good options to stop it. You can recover actual damages (which are probably none here), and try to get a court injunction against them, but yeah, better to just move out probably.

I can't say for sure, but as OP's post evidences, they grow like weeds. You can get a decent sized tree in a handful of years, where a hardwood tree would still be a sapling. That's my best guess.

You have a reasonable point -- if OP's husband fucking loves corn, it's fair for him to make himself some corn while he's cooking.

I still feel like it's pretty weird, though, if he's just cooking for the 2 of them and he knows she will not touch corn, for him to not split the corn out separately somehow. Unless he just cooked up a batch of frozen pre-mixed veggies, I can't imagine a scenario where it wouldn't be super easy to cook one batch with and one without corn, or to cook the corn separately and mix it in with his portion afterwards.

Maybe, but it's risky, especially if OP is already feeling mentally fragile. I don't want to judge this girl, but it sounds like she's explicitly wanting to maintain this pseudo-romantic emotional relationship with OP, which is pretty hard for anyone in his situation to deal with, let alone someone that is struggling with any sort of self confidence or other mental health issues. I would be surprised if continuing to be this close of friends with her didn't have him constantly thinking "well maybe things have changed now..."

"If I can't sleep, then bah gawd, nobody will sleep!"

-Mike Lindell upon conceiving of My Pillow

Out of curiosity, how often do you want to bug your coworkers?


There are 2 types of banners in Arknights (well, for new characters that is).

Most non-limited new 6 stars get a solo rate up banner with a 70/30 50/50 (I was wrong, my bad) split between the new unit and the normal pool.

Limited new 6 stars come on a banner with a non-limited new unit as well, and I think you get the 70/30 split between the banner units and the normal pool, then within the 70% it's a 50/50 split between the limited and non-limited.

I'm just gonna note here that as a Texan, 3 hours is definitely an overnight trip for me. I mean, people do that as a day trip (that's Austin-Dallas distance), but it's not exactly normal.

For further reference, assuming the figures in your picture are correct (and assuming I'm guessing which weapons they go with from context clues with 0 Chinese knowledge):

T1 Abyssal Light is 6.43% better than T5 Tribute of Rose

Definitely seems like it's reasonable to skip the sig and even skip T5ing the event weapon, though tbh I don't know that the opportunity cost for T5ing it is that big a deal if you have an established account at all.

I'm a "first patch" player (though not day 1). I just did this with 3 level 80 orange ops -- Kaguya (w/ max sig wep), Enigma (w/ max sig wep), and Eatchel (w/ max purple event wep) -- and I had the same result. None of my ops had enough break to get through those pillars.

(Full disclosure: I didn't try to use Eatchel out of the gate on the pillars, so maybe she could have done it just with shotgun's innate break advantages. I just figured since her weapon is purely support focused it wouldn't work.)

I breezed through the rest of it, but those pillars are no joke if you have to single target them down with sub-par break weapons.

The support skill does do damage. It's basically a follow-up effect: when your active character is standing in the zone Exuvia creates and the active character deals skill damage to an enemy, Exuvia's support skill also zaps them for some electrical damage.

There's a second part to the skill, which is that it has charges that get consumed to deal the damage, and the active operative needs to shoot targets to restore those stacks.

So, she's designed to work with operatives who deal fast instances of skill damage mixed with shooting -- basically Ethereal Cloud, Wild Hunt, and Enigma. The 3s buff length on the F2P weapon makes sense in that context. For those operatives they're dealing constant ticks of skill damage while shooting enemies, so the 3s buff will effectively be up until there's a 3s hole in the skill rotation.

Is it just me, or does Enya's support skill just not show up on her character page? In fact, I can't look at her skills at all -- when I try to click/tap on them the screen flashes white but doesn't go into the skills page, just stays on her character sheet. Have tried on both mobile and PC with the same results.

My wife sometimes communicates in a similar way to that. It's interesting because like 95% of the time I just get what she's saying and it's not even something I think about, but 5% of the time it irks me and I have to ask a clarifying direct question like "Are you saying you want me to do <X>?", not because I am annoyed but because I'm actually not sure if she's asking me to do something or just having a conversation. And then I forget about it being irksome almost immediately because hey, we all do mildly annoying things, and it's not even worth bringing up really.

There are at least two locations of La Banqueta in East Dallas. One on Gaston near Garland, one down closer to Baylor off of Live Oak.

Out of honest curiosity, why did you feel that was audacious?

For full disclosure, I can for sure understand why people enjoy(ed) sharing accounts with family members, but I will admit I have trouble understanding why people feel that it was unfair to stop them.

Yeah, I miss the Good Old Days (TM) of Netflix myself, but I can't find myself getting enraged about price increases and such. What is the value of a thing if not the amount someone is willing to pay for it? If Netflix increases prices and enough people continue to pay for it, does that not mean it is worth that much to those people?

Presumably if their revenue dropped after a price increase then they would do something to reverse course.

Definitely, and DVDs have the advantage that they aren't susceptible to the copyright licensing hurdles that streaming is, so studios can't pull the moves that they all have and pull all of their stable of content to make it exclusive to their new platform.

That said, I don't think Netflix canceled the DVD service arbitrarily. I'm in my late 30s and I haven't plugged a DVD player into my TV for a good 5 years. I don't know anyone younger than me that has a DVD player (though I assume PS/Xbox consoles can still play DVDs?). They probably weren't getting enough revenue from the DVD side to justify the logistics.

I'm honestly curious how many people have the 720p plan. I'm pretty sure that some time previously that didn't exist, and the 1080p streaming plan was the only option, then they hiked the price on 1080p and added the 720p option at the previous lower price, and if you didn't manually change to the 720p option you just kept the 1080p at the increased price.