I want to have faith...ok, I'm trying to have faith.

But they always fuck something up, not to judge it, the trailer looks good imo...but I don't want to hype myself over this one to end up flopping ultra hard.

It might be absurd, but I love this scene, and for me, for some odd reason, works as one of the best confession scenes on series, anime and movies, mostly because it's cute, and it being kinda obnoxious just adds to it being believable.

FMA is one of the best series I've ever watched, and it's for things like this.

Recuerdo que hace un tiempo le dije a unos amigos que en México puede que estemos igual o peor que en países radicales.

Mi lógica es que, al menos en países radicales la raza sabe que está jodida y que los grupos políticos/religiosos que tienen oprimido al pueblo son un hecho, mientras que aquí les hacemos corridos, la raz aspira a eso, y ni siquiera nos damos cuenta de lo realmente jodida que esta la situación.

Mis amigos me tiraron a loco y me dijeron que México es un país libre...y yo la verdad es que me sigo preguntando si es mejor vivir en la ignorancia, y creer que en México no son grupos radicales y criminales los que tienen el poder, cuando pasan cosas así me da mucha tristeza.

Es un círculo vicioso.

It's not that fun of a joke, but the way he cracks about it, and the attitude from the woman about it makes this interaction a really fun one.

Nah, that's just your average soccer fan in Mexico.

Insert "I got that reference" meme here

I appreciate it, I really do.

I know I have a hard path ahead of me and that eventually I'll find the way and the light.

Да здравствует матушка Россия

I'm bad af to trust myself and my own strength, I feel weak and fragile rn, but I do know that you are right and that I need to put the effort on it.

Your words give me a bit of hope, and a bit is a river in this moment of my life so thanks. I'm glad there is people like you on this world.

I'm not, honestly, but I must remain strong, there is a little life that depends on me and I must give my all for him.

I appreciate your interest, I'm struggling but somehow I keep afloat, I do the best I can and...well, that's the thing, the only thing I can do.

Nights are specially hard ngl, nighttime is scary and hard to handle, when lights go out, and the world goes mostly silent my brain starts running and my feelings get trampled over...but over the course of 4 weeks it has become "easier" to deal with it.

It's been 4 weeks since the love of my life told me she no longer wants to be with me, the same amount of time I've been practically taking care of our son by myself.

I started therapy, and some days I feel everything will be alright, while others I feel like dying. I have the impression that I'll be alone for the rest of my days and I want to crumble but I can't. I'm suffering like never before in my life.

Dude, they ain't called cuddling whales, you know?

Hey Arnold is an essential piece of my soul.

Because I want to live, even if I'm depressed, besides, I have a son and he needs his dad.


The placement of the letter "e" after the "i" in the word "hielo" makes a difference in sound that makes up for the rule: if the next word starts with a phonetic "i" you can't use the "y" as a connector.

When you say "hielo" the "ie" sounds like a softer version of "ye" in "yes". The rule is not to make it sound as a repeating letter or a repeated sound, so "aguja e hilo" needs a clear difference between the words with the use of "e" as a replace connector to "y" as it sounds clearly different that way, while the sentence "agua y hielo" has a different connotation due to the "ie" aforementioned.

Lo sobre complique o si me lo entendería uno de 5? Creo que la cagué.

Haha the Colgera claw makes up for interesting fusions.

Thanks for the reply