You're debating a national statistic with personal anecdotes?

Yo calm down. I'm 24(turning soon, currently 23), never had a girlfriend and any of that stuff. Many on Reddit say it's an issue, but honestly, it doesn't matter. Life is so unpredictable, and there's so much to do. I was obese as well, dropped about 40 kgs to come down from 110 to 70 kgs approximately, put on some more weight, but it's partly carelessness and quite a bit of muscle mass, but I am fit now. Losing weight doesn't help, u just have to believe in yourself first and not show u are just willing to lay down on the floor for anyone. I had moments where I badly wanted a relationship, was envious of my friends who had one, but it's all stupid. Life doesn't run in a pattern, and my new SIM is to hopefully train and complete a marathon by early 2025, and ironman in the next few years. Honestly, master oogway videos helped me, and I'm not even kidding. Sometimes u can connect with a person late, but that can last for a long time. You don't have to go through diff relationships and then build up to one imo,but I don't know much in this context, and that's fine. It's stupid to say just change priorities, but maybe instill a bit of hope in yourself and the belief that things might work out. It's not being delusional, and being even the tiniest bit religious and having faith in God is criticised on Reddit, but to me, self confidence helps out.

No way, I think the romanticism wouldnt last as much. A lot of the show anyways wouldnt make sense in a practical setting. For them to light the championship and get back to the PL, and not have a single player added on, and just jump up and get Zava against teams that would pay him significantly more and guaranteed success, is unlikely to begin with.

And Klopp isnt a vibes and goldfish kinda guy, yeah he has incredible people skills, but he is a genuinely good manager with the technical and tactical knowledge to coach a team. Sure his achievements are lower than Pep, but its a lot, so expecting ted to just be slightly lower, puts him up to, Moyes, Arteta or Emery?

I love the show and Ted Lsso as a character, but no way is he even measuring up to a manager like Klopp, but again, this could be biased as I am a Liverpool fan.

Either 4 or 5. 4 purely because I'd try my luck on Sassy, and, hopefully befriend that rich brat who wrecked Sam's restaurant. 5, coz there's ted, Trent, and I might get talking with Rupert and learn a thing or two on how he gets women 😅

I feel like social media as a whole year just made people insufferable. Men tryna be alpha, wanna be teenagers, girls saying something about themselves, parents using their kids on social media for likes.

I mean, there's so many things that need to be done it's insane. Firstly, Trent should not be an 8 or a 6, he is either a rwb or a RB. Kane cannot be the one who runs in behind lines, so why not try to combine him with Watkins? Also, Foden going central did do a lot, it's too lopsided rn. There need to be changes, because as it stands this system is not letting any player shine

I'm gonna get downvoted a lot, but this overreaction is beyond annoying at this point. Yes there were problems, yes they need fixing, but there has to be some level of calm before just getting axes out and crying as if the team was battered.

Come on, I would rather pick the English kit over that French kit anyday, that French football emblem is so freaking huge. Also, they're french, so they dont have it all.

My complaint would perhaps be the late subs. Nothing against Trent, I am a Liverpool fan, but I feel like I'd rather want Mainoo or Wharton in once the heat kicks in. Also,i would've wanted Watkins in for Foden, but I'd agree with Bowen sub, just a bit quicker. Maybe even Gomez in for trippier.

I would've hoped for the Trent sub much earlier, Watkins in for foden, and maybe Gomez in for trippier.

The urge to make an ML joke with this one .....

How is that even a valid point? Nowhere in this post have I seen any answers, just claims. I will happily agree that I'm brainwashed, but at least give me a few valid points first. Even in the case of RN I see people hating them,but when I asked why, I haven't seen responses. At least in the case of Tories, ik what is going on.

I did read up on what they have spoken about. Can't access their complete manifesto, but I don't see anything particularly extreme, although I'd be concerned that tax breaks are being promised when France has a massive debt bill.

Dw tho, the Nepalese have Gorkhas in em, theyll probably snap Nico and Lamine in the game

Excuse my lack of knowledge, for I am an Indian living in the UK, but why is RN fascist or nazi as per many of the comments? Ik reddit is left leaning, but is there something particular about their policies? Ik AfD or Wilders were quite radical with their words, but idk much about La Pen minus her apparent leaning towards Russia, but even that i would have to read up about.

It definitely feels like its more about the hate for tories that any substance in Labour. There have been disagreements within the party for a while, I recall there being some over their stance on Gaza. Lib Dems are doing good by their measure, but mostly, it looks like Labour will go ahead. I am not even sure if I am necessarily a fan of Labour policies, but the Tories are just abysmal to begin with, and Sunak is just after shooting himself at every turn.

Is this akin to what I read about Canada, where police officers were recommending people leave their car keys out so that the thieves don't harm them? Idk if that's true, but I read that somewhere, not sure if it was the USA or Canada.

I am conflicted if I want a season 4. On one hand, yes I'd love more of the show, on the other, I'd be worried if there isn't much story to tell and it might just stretch beyond.

But that's moot, because we have watched season 3 as well. It's a lot harder to give an objective opinion while ignoring what happens in season 3. I don't think anyone likes him at the end of season 2, but that's the point. I implore you watch season 3 before expecting us to chime in without bias. I cannot unsee or forget what I know about the next season, so no point in arguing about season 2. But sticking strictly to season 2, yes, it's a jerk move, and I'd respect him leaving for west ham, but not what he did, but I cannot say anything more without spoiling season 3.