are the slots still available?

when i saw Egypt 3000 bc.... en-saba nur came out of my mouth as a reflex...on the verge of tears when cyclops and jean said goodbye to cable

i still can't believe that hal left tsm...

saikou is dead...look for dantotsu it's a fork for saikou...hope that helps

looks like they're stuck inside the void and they went there to ask for her help to contact strange to open up a portal... trailer made her look like a enemy but i think it's the opposite...she's sending them off...looks like they're hanging out and planning stuff inside antmans head with logan getting triggered by casandra showcasing her powers

when you updated did you use back up to restore your settings? try doing it from scratch

in asia mosquito nets is very common. it's mosquito season and we're using one right now, try googling kulambo mosquito nets.... there's a foldable type for the bed and there's a version that you set up like a tent.... example of the foldable one

Fold 4

kinda want to try it but there's a waiting list

when we got to watch on the madarin hotel in sg and had a view of the longest stretch...the sound was so loud that even of you use a sniper rifle or threw a grenade, no one will absolutely hear it


4g=LTE...3g+=H+.....this was 9 years ago when LTE or 4g was like 5g today