You're getting down voted for the truth. The Brazilian corporate owners do not care about quality. The idiots that continue to buy shitty food and drink from Tim Hortons are lining their pockets and telling them to keep doing what they're doing.

Jim "I'm a Boston sleeper agent and I hate Vancouver" Benning

Jim "We're only two years away, so let's trade away our picks because they don't fit our window" Benning

Who needs an oven to reverse sear. Just bring your car to death valley, leave it out for two hours and sear on the hood of your car

The free agent market was wild this year. Nothing against Tanev, I absolutely love the guy and happy he got his bag. But the leafs are gonna be bagholders for the second half of the contract

The fact he was SHL playoff MVP, I am not concerned about his ability to show up in the playoffs. He was clearly playing hurt, and I'm hoping for a fully healthy season next year for him to have a true superstar season

Remains to be seen how the preds roster shapes up, but they potentially are in that elite 2-3 year window right now too.

Fuck the west is brutal right now

I thought we learned this already, but maybe we have a new fan here that avoided the Benning years.

You can elect to defer the payment of tax relating to the deemed disposition of property (departure tax) regardless of the amount. You would then pay the tax later, without interest, when you sell (or otherwise dispose of) the property.

That is taken from the Canadian government website page - dispositions of property for emigrants leaving Canada under the 'deferring the tax owing' section. He would still have to pay the tax if he ever decides to retire to Canada, which may have played into his decision as a Canadian.

I'll say haddock is the best, but a good pacific cod fish and chips is next up

I play auction, and I'm putting him up with my first nomination for $28. Anyone wants to go higher, have at it and be my guest but he's a great piece to start people spending money on someone I think is overhyped as a FF player this year.

A defensively responsible forward with streaky offensive tendencies? Sounds like someone the Bruins just signed that used to be a Canuck

If it is, then I encourage Biden to flex his presidential immunity for official acts

I'll throw rocks in a glass house if I want to

Holy fuck I'm glad I read other comments before making one of my own. He got me good with this jerk

Maybe we can get some guys at the deadline, or early on in the season like we did this last year. Zadorov early was a huge, cheap boost to our team