Just a tip I learned a while ago - once your tool is just about to break - give it to one of the characters you are exploring with. It seems to give the tool new life for the NPC at least. Just a thought.

Thanks for the info on the lightsaber recharge. There’s always something new to learn.

The farm animals can give different foods- chickens can give eggs, feathers, and fried eggs depending on what you feed them. Pigs will give slurp mushrooms, and slurp juice while sheep will give you wool with vines 1:1, so 50 vines fed in their barn will give you 50 wool. Great resource just make sure you assign a village to look after them AND fence in any campfires cuz all animals will repeatedly walk through fire and die.

The Star Wars caves are full of resources - Amber, obsidian, marble, glass, durasteel, plastirod, copper bars and feathers and fabric.

Also, I just discovered that lightsabers RECHARGE - when they get to the point their usage indicator bar shows red, it will eventually show a timer on it if it’s in your inventory that counts down from 6 minutes (not 100% sure on the time)

I’ve been playing Fortnite Lego since day 1 so if you have questions, I am happy to help.

If you cannot have open honest communication about financial issues then the relationship has a serious issue.

How you start those conversations as well as support each other in compromising to resolve any disagreement is just as important as the issue at hand.

Can I ask how you started this conversation with your now-ex?

Nearing the 1 year mark in a relationship, in your 30s and your partner won’t answer this question nor will they have a conversation about the future is, IMO, a huge red flag.

Not knowing is okay. Being unwilling to talk about it, to blame you for the stress etc, shows that the answer is no - and they are unwilling to tell you as they know that’s the dealbreaker.

You can love someone and not be in a relationship with them. Be true to yourself and what you want. You even said that not knowing the answer is unfair.

Love shouldn’t hurt you. Love isn’t full of shame and fear, unable to discuss basic future paths - how will you feel in 2 years when his non answer doesn’t change and you still want marriage and babies? He even mentions he is saving up to buy a house - him. Not you both together working on a financial plan to make a huge purchase - I’d say he is making his answer crystal clear - he just doesn’t want to even have the break up convo - he is making you do all the emotional work - again just my opinion from your post.

Love yourself enough to recognize that you deserve an answer about your future either with or without him.

Pls tell your mom she made an awesome cake - most of the internet agrees! Many adults love Pokémon and your age has zero affect on the quality of your moms design. Happy belated birthday!

The first time was scary - my brother passed away the next day. The second time I knew what I had heard - and two nights later my father went to bed and never woke up.

Quick question - how did she decide on 8k? Why is that important to her - it’s an arbitrary number that has no bearing at all on the commitment it represents IMO.

And just a thought, financial compatibility is as important as all the other stuff in a marriage. If you cannot both compromise with your spending limits/requirements, what’s going to happen (hypothetically of course) when you want to buy a modest home and she wants a mansion?

An honest open and real conversation needs to happen between you both about reality and expectations. Hoping for the best for you both.

I have a few “incidents” that never seemed to have a reasonable explanation but the most impactful is the knock of death - three hard knocks that happen shortly before someone dies. I’ve heard these knocks twice - no one else in the area, but I know that they are a harbinger of death. My brother first then my dad. Three days or less and someone I love dies.

Edit: spelling

I’d recommend passive aggressive and either crank some cringy dance beats (band/singer that roommate is VOCAL about hating) OR find the worst songs of 2023 and blast that playlist.

I’d prob also speak entirely in another language of course and when he objects/rants etc invite him to “embrace a new culture too”.

Quick question: why did you allow anyone (family or friend) to speak so horribly about your wife, at her home, while in the presence of your children? When you asked her to marry you, and your family started saying negative things, hurting your wife and belittling your choice of life partner, you never set any boundaries?

Going forward, my suggestion would be to find a way through your lawyer during the divorce to ensure your children will never be subjected to the people who said such vile things about their mother - protect your children from the accusations and horrendous actions of your “family”. They were rude, hurtful and vicious and you did nothing to stop them - even took their malicious and baseless theories as the truth and treated the MOTHER OF YOUR CHILDREN like disposable waste.

Learn from this to be a better father to your children than your “family” ever was to you. Get therapy. Sign any document your wife asks because you took the family you built with her and set it in fire over rumour and jealousy.

Criminal UK (limited series on Netflix) there are also Criminal Germany, Criminal France etc. great series imo.

:karma: 2 Karma

Vicariously “insert emotion here”

WanitawobbleOG sent friend request! I’m in.



YTA - admitting you knew he was uncomfortable, didn’t like you or want to get to know you better and then being offended or surprised even that he reacted verbally as you ignored every other social cue is my rationale for my vote.

He was polite the first time you did this. Second sighting, his facial cues told you clearly he didn’t want to talk to you at all. So the third sighting you ignore all of his cues/signals/discomfort and approach his trying again to talk to him. He owes you nothing. Absolutely nothing. Move on and stay away from ppl who clearly don’t want you to bother them.


I only suggested it as many (me included) have said and/or considered helping you get more inflatables as they bring joy and your story, with its horrible moments (misgendering and demanding) seems to have brought out a wholesome urge to support your inflatable Christmas decorations to bring joy to most of your neighborhood - bus driver excluded of course.

EDIT: as per OPs reply below pls DO NOT start a GoFundMe for this person as they would not be comfortable accepting it. My sincere apologies, OP.

Someone please update us all with the GoFundMe info to get this fine individual some awesome non traditional inflatable Christmas decorations! Lots of ppl want to contribute - and hey didn’t someone use GoFundMe to make macaroni salad or something? This seems just as deserving of funding.

OP keep decorating the way you want, you can’t please everyone and it’s so cruel for a bus driver to treat you this way. I’m sorry you had that experience.

Wow. Part 1 had me terrified for the child and you, now I’m just in awe that anyone could live in this environment and be expected to go along with questionable behaviour while threatening each other hoping this could ever possibly come to a happy and safe resolution.

IMO, you should move asap. And neither of these ppl you currently live with should be part of your life after you move out.

The threats, intimidation, utter recklessness of this whole situation is horrible.

Going forward, only answer with Yes or No to any text. And no explanations. Can you do the dishes? Yes. Did you leave the door open? No. Watch my child while I go out? No. Why not? No.

It might at the very least make your life a bit easier.