Yes I am aware of that. However I am in constant need for sl when grinding new tech trees (and yes i minimise sl lost from auto repairs). Arcade battles already have an edge in sl (as kills are easier and hence medals). I use realistic when i have quite a bit of sl.

bloody hell thats op. prob will take my prems to arcade then.

the efficient progress. 110% for german 130% for everthing else

Bloody Vehicle Tier Bonuses (Efficient Progress)Other

I'm always confused by them. Another thing is: how come every tech tree has 130% bonuses except for the German one? Is it because I mained the German one?

wrong way buster. and im using euros to calculate

"only" anything above 10k is stellar.

Increase it. some 20 for your first 18 days followed by 180 for 90 days ... 270 for 90 days

Instead of being useless, here are some tips:

  • If a friend reccomended you play this, grab some tips off him/her.
  • As you are new, check out the controls and keybinds and learn the most important ones (flares, shoot with 1 & 2, bombs, flaps, gear, look around and be aware)
  • I know someone with mig 23ml. Basically ur gonna die every single match, but to prepare you: 1) you have under four seconds of cannon trigger time. 2) this actually is decent dogfighter 3) when you see a missile, fly low and turn 90 degrees drop flares at 25 turn.
  • stay low when you see jets, if in prop batttles climb high to 3,000-7,000 depending on plane.
  • take out the 8 x 100 kg OFAB-100 bombs + 4 x R-60M missiles option. go for a base (red marker like on google maps with a target on it). unfortunately this has no computer so i guess when near the base climb to 1,000 low throtttle engine and dive down vertically, drop bombs and hightail it out of there (LOW TO THE GROUND)
  • mig 23 is gud. use the acceleration and top speed to get out of tough positions (LOOK BACK AND AROUND USING HOLD C key) and when dogfighting press H for airbrake to slow down a bit to be able to turn tighter.
  • play low tier first. please please please use the i 15 first. then research whatever you like in tier one but please get at least two rank II vehicles before playing ur mig (if you do play your mig in realistic, along with any rank II)
  • Rank I games should be in arcade for quick understanding of leads and stuff.

You are so lucky you didn't spin out. When I was working on the german tech tree the dorniers and bf 110s would always get the tail cut and spin out. (I only used them for the free repairs.)

New Type of PremiumSuggestion

Recently I saw a post on the WT forum where a new player was complaining that he paid for a prem vehicle and some premium time and was disappointed in having to spend money as he was losing SL (replenishing it with money). What do you guys think if the snail creates a new prem system for some 4x the cost but unlocks every vehicle of every tech tree? (Like a diverse trial drive thingy.) It may be useful for new players to decide on which tech tree to settle on -- but saving experienced players more money.

Krunker Unblocked?Question

Krunker at school links?

tiger is 20% demand so i barly get good offers. on the traiding thing it sayd 1M+ so i guess ill find a collector

Correction: "Asimo addressed this on X, formerly Twitter..." xD

20m? and how much tiger rug? imo 1.3-1.5 mil but idk really. I hate it and want rid of it but still want my money's worth

Roblox Jailbreak on Roblox App not autosaving!Bug

Every time I get into a vehicle it says the game doesn't autosave and kicks me. Can someone verify the glitch? By the way I accidentally deleted a rblxsettings.rblx file so that could be the case. My Roblox Player doesn't work. It starts up saying starting and then disappears.

xD alright mate. thanks for correcting me

who said anything about being like og seasons? im saying to make it harder and increase the small rewards for new players. also im saying use lvl 1 (or lvl 10 if i got my way)

so ur saying helis are bettter than planes? bro planes have the potential of being faster AND more manuverable, just the jet is too big for the volcano.

well TECHnically there isn't much water but yes, fix cruiser, buff sloop, maybe add a yacht or somthing like that