I'm a paramedic and hysterical screaming drives me insane. It's literally the worst of all options in an emergency. Don't get me wrong, I'm compassionate - but it's just a useless reaction to stress.

Are you talking about the EMS subreddit or the Paramedics one? I would agree the EMS subreddit is braindead. Full of rescue Randy's and baseless medical opinions. But the Paramedics subreddit is much more mature and clinical. Anyway, there are some of us that care hah.

Because everyone thinks TCCC sounds cool with no foundational knowledge, no reasonable necessity to learn battlefield medicine, or ability to maintain competency or even achieve proficiency. Just learn a rough outline, learn some buzzwords. Maybe get a half assed cert. Pretend you're an expert.


The registration process with the Provincial regulator differs from province to province - but COPR Exam itself is the same. The Exam is administered by one organization. Both provinces use the COPR as far as I am aware.

Don't be fooled by AB paramedics thinking they're better than everyone else in Canada. ;)

Is it a hobby to deploy? To be gone on courses for months? Grow up, kid. I know many folks that put a hell of a lot of their time into it, while having a job and a family - sacrificing their home and professional life. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Why do you think the Paramedic subreddit not approve this?

EMR is a 10 day course bro. It's like one step up from a weekend first aid course.

This is wild.

You don't need or want all these other textbooks, they will only serve to complicate your EMR course. Best of luck. Stick to the EMR textbook.

Causing respiratory failure with reasonable amounts of supplemental oxygen in a COPD patient with acute exacerbations - sweet fucking God this myth needs to die a quick death. Of all the medicine dogma this is the one I am the most sick and tired of fighting.

$80 USD?!?! What the actual fuck.

It's so true what you've said.

People wear it like a shield against accountability, or they want to seem unique, cute and quirky. Well if they really had ADHD they would know it's not cute, it's a fucking disability. I would give up just about anything to be free of it and just be able to function normally. People using it as a TikTok trend to manufacture a personality are making us all who actually suffer look bad.

Sounds like break room bullshit to me. Those medics are missing a chapter somewhere.

The answer to this is usually no, but this one I'd say yes.

What clinical condition requires a 3 hour jaw thrust, and that simpler methods couldn't be used?

It's the wind that makes stand up paddling shit in NL.

I agree with a lot of your points overall though, basically fancy bougie mainlanders don't get what it's like living rural East Coast. Colour me shocked.

That's fucked up man, someone's staying at your house as a weekend guest? You provide food.

Post covid baby nurses haha, that's awesome.


Ask him to recall modified Sgarbossa's criteria without a reference.

What a constructive and polite conversation we've had here haha. Cheers. Usually, that's not the case on Reddit.

What are you carrying around voodoo dolls with you?

I'm a CC flight paramedic, and I'm in the military. I travel a lot to teach. Upwards of 20 flights a year commercially, and not once have I had a medical emergency.

I certainly used to use this method. While that may work well in an ED resus bed, a relatively more controlled environment where you can adjust the height and position of the bed, and have multiple sets of hands to apply it properly concurrently with other assessments and interventions - but in the prehosptial environment there is no doubt they are more functional. By way of it being much easier to apply and purpose built, I would argue it's used more often and the positioning is more effective. That's not to say the sheet is not effective, just that in my experience the commercial devices are superior prehosptially.